LSL Casino Games Code

posted in Code Snippets
Published March 02, 2014
Here are the LSL scripts for several of my casino games I wrote a long-long time ago.
The following is the original SL forum post ( spelling mistakes and all ) under my user name "Shippou Oud" .[quote]

Since the ban on advertising casino related items, I can no longer sell the items these were in, so I'm releasing the scripts here on the forums so folks can learn how certain items work.
My theorie on scripting, is keep it simple, and understandable. No need to over complicate it.[/quote]
[quote]1 prim slots This was a fun script to wright. Notice how I use numbers to make a symbol, and for each symbol is assigned a value, so when added up, the machine knows what is landed on, and if it is a winner or not. This also keeps track of payin, last player and total winnings. Also has a progressive jack pot. CODE
[/quote]list null= ["OK"];string name = "The Fruit Machine";string f1 = " banana ";string f2 = " cherry ";string f3 = " apple ";integer cha;integer f1a = 50;integer f2a = 60;integer f3a = 70;string LP;integer JP;integer ttpi;integer po;vector col = <0>;default{on_rez(integer x){ llResetScript();}state_entry(){llSetObjectName(name);cha = (integer) llFrand(999999998) + 1;llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [10, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]);JP = 1000;llSetText(name +" \n Last Player: " + LP + "\n Jack Pot $L" + (string) JP + "\n Total Pay Out $L" + (string) po,col,1);}touch_start(integer x){llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0),"Current Pay outs are 3 " + f1 + "$L" + (string) f1a + " , 3 " + f2 + "$L" + (string) f2a + " , 3 " + f3 + "$L" + (string) f3a + " . Only $L10 to play");if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()){ llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"---- $L" + (string) ttpi);}}money(key play, integer mon){ttpi = ttpi + mon;JP = JP + 1;string w1;string w2;string w3;integer win1;integer win2;integer win3;integer a1 = (integer) llFrand(3) + 1;if (a1 == 1){w1 = f1;win1 = win1 + 1;}else if (a1 == 2){w1 = f2;win2 = win2 + 1;}else if (a1 == 3){w1 = f3;win3 = win3 + 1;}integer a2 = (integer) llFrand(3) + 1;if (a2 == 1){w2 = f1;win1 = win1 + 1;}else if (a2 == 2){w2 = f2;win2 = win2 + 1;}else if (a2 == 3){w2 = f3;win3 = win3 + 1;}integer a3 = (integer) llFrand(3) + 1;if (a3 == 1){w3 = f1;win1 = win1 + 1;}else if (a3 == 2){w3 = f2;win2 = win2 + 1;}else if (a3 == 3){w3 = f3;win3 = win3 + 1;}integer ww = (integer) llFrand(4) + 1;integer ww1 = (integer) llFrand(4) + 1;integer wmu = (integer) llFrand(25) + 1;integer wmu1 = (integer) llFrand(25) + 1;LP = llKey2Name(play);llInstantMessage(play,"Thank you " + LP + " . Good luck !");llDialog( play , " " + w1 + w2 + w3, null ,cha);if (ww == ww1){llDialog( play ,"You Won $L5", null ,cha);llGiveMoney(play,5);po = po + 5;}if (win1 == 3){llDialog( play ,"You Won $L" + (string) f1a, null ,cha);llGiveMoney(play, f1a);po = po + f1a;}else if (win2 == 3){llDialog( play ,"You Won $L" + (string) f2a, null ,cha);llGiveMoney(play, f2a);po = po + f2a;}else if (win3 == 3){llDialog( play ,"You Won $L" + (string) f3a, null ,cha);llGiveMoney(play, f3a);po = po + f3a;}integer Jack1 = (integer) llFrand(3000) + 1;integer Jack2 = (integer) llFrand(3000) + 1;{ if (Jack1 == Jack2) { llDialog( play ,"You Won The Jackpot of $L" + (string) JP, null ,cha);llGiveMoney(play, JP);po = po + JP;JP = 1000; }win1 = 0;win2 = 0;win3 = 0;llSetText(name +" \n Last Player: " + LP + "\n Jack Pot $L" + (string) JP + "\n Total Pay Out $L" + (string) po,col,1);}}run_time_permissions(integer perm){ if (PERMISSION_DEBIT & perm) { } else { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Sorry, you must click 'yes' to operate this. ");llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); }}}[quote] $L Picker This game is unique. I came up with the idea a while ago, and developed this as one of my first sucessfull games. It works liek this. pay from 1 to 10. that becomes your number the script randomly generates a number from 1 to 10..if it matched win 4x bet. if it is 1 off, win 2x bet. CODE
[/quote]integer ttp;integer payin;default{ on_rez(integer x) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(1); llSetText("$L Picker \n Click for info \n Pay $L1 to $L10 to play" + "\n" + "Total Payout $L" + (string) ttp,<.5,1,1>,1); llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); } touch_start(integer x) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"$L" + (string) payin + " has been bet."); } if (llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) { llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0),"This game is simple. Bet from $L1 to $L10 if the computer picks your bet you win 4x the amount. if the computer is off by 1, you win 2x bet. \n Lets say you bet $L5 and the computer randomly picks 5, you'll win $L20. Now lets say you bet $L8 and the computer picks 7, you win $L16. \n 10 is considered to be the number below below 1, and 1 the number above 10, so if you bet $L10 and the computer picks 1, you'll win $L20."); } } money(key giver, integer amount) { payin = payin + amount; if (amount > 10) { llInstantMessage(giver,"Sorry, but I can only bet up to $L10 at a time, here is $L" + (string) amount + " back. "); llGiveMoney(giver,amount); payin = payin - amount; return; } float Winnum = llFrand(10); integer W2 = (integer) Winnum + 1; integer w2x = amount * 2; integer w4x = amount * 4; llInstantMessage(giver,"You bet " + (string) amount + " !"); llInstantMessage(giver,"The computer picks " + (string) W2 + " !" + "\n "); if (amount == W2) { llGiveMoney(giver,amount * 4); llSay(0,"Won $L" + (string) w4x + " !"); ttp = ttp + w4x; } if (amount == W2 + 1) { llGiveMoney(giver,amount * 2); llSay(0,"Won $L" + (string) w2x + " !"); ttp = ttp + w2x; } if (amount == W2 - 1) { llGiveMoney(giver,amount * 2); llSay(0,"Won $L"+ (string) w2x + " !"); ttp = ttp + w2x; } if (W2 - 9 == amount) { llGiveMoney(giver,amount * 2); llSay(0,"Won $L" + (string) w2x + " !"); ttp = ttp + w2x; } if (W2 + 9 == amount) { llGiveMoney(giver,amount * 2); llSay(0,"Won $L" + (string) w2x + " !"); ttp = ttp + w2x; } } timer() { llSetText("$L Picker \n Click for info \n Pay $L1 to $L10 to play" + "\n" + "Total Payout $L" + (string) ttp,<.5,1,1>,1);}run_time_permissions(integer perm){ if (PERMISSION_DEBIT & perm) { } else { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Sorry, you must click 'yes' to operate this. ");llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); }} }[quote]Lucky Orb This script let the palyer to bet from 1 to 100. If the 2 numebrs from 1 to 3 matches that are generated, they win bet x 2. CODE
[/quote]integer pi;integer po;string wnnr;integer pyo;default{ on_rez(integer x) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { pi = 0; po = 0; llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); llSetTextureAnim(SMOOTH | LOOP | ANIM_ON, ALL_SIDES,0,0,0,0,.25); llSetText("Double your $L \n Bet from $L1 to $L100 \n " + wnnr + " has won $L" + (string) pyo + " \n Total Payout $L" + (string) po,<0>,1); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Total Pay In $L" + (string) pi); } } money(key player, integer mon) { if (mon > 100) { integer df = mon - 100; llGiveMoney(player,df); llInstantMessage(player,"Sorry that was too much, here is $L" + (string) df + " in change."); mon = 100; } pi = pi + mon; llInstantMessage(player,"Good Luck!"); integer wn1 = (integer) llFrand(3) + 1; integer wn2 = (integer) llFrand(3) + 1; if (wn1 == wn2) { pyo = mon * 2; llGiveMoney(player, pyo); llInstantMessage(player,"You Won $L" + (string) pyo); po = po + pyo; wnnr = llKey2Name(player); } llSetText("Double your $L \n Bet from $L1 to $L100 \n " + wnnr + " has won $L" + (string) pyo + " \n Total Payout $L" + (string) po,<0>,1); llInstantMessage(player,"Thank you for playing.");}run_time_permissions(integer perm){ if (PERMISSION_DEBIT & perm) { } else { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Sorry, you must click 'yes' to operate this. ");llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); }}}[quote]randon $L giver For this script, pay in 10-100, and get something back every time. The script picks a number , and determins the pay scale. 1.8 x bet is the max. CODE
[/quote]integer pi;integer po;string wnnr;integer pyo;default{ on_rez(integer x) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { pi = 0; po = 0; llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); llSetTextureAnim(SMOOTH | LOOP | ANIM_ON, ALL_SIDES,0,0,0,0,.25); llSetText("Win Random $L \n Bet from $L10 to $L100 \n " + wnnr + " has won $L" + (string) pyo + " \n Total Payout $L" + (string) po,<.1,1,.5>,1); } touch_start(integer x) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Total Pay In $L" + (string) pi); } } money(key player, integer mon) { if (mon > 100) { llInstantMessage(player,"Sorry this is too much, here is your refund"); llGiveMoney(player,mon); } else if (mon < 10) { llInstantMessage(player,"Sorry this is not enough. Please bet $L10 or more, here is your refund"); llGiveMoney(player,mon); } else { pi = pi + mon; llInstantMessage(player,"Good Luck"); integer wun = mon * 2 - 2; integer wun1 = (integer)llFrand(wun) + 1; llGiveMoney(player,wun1); wnnr = llKey2Name(player); pyo = wun1; po = po + wun1; llInstantMessage(player, "Congradulations, you won $L" + (string) wun1); llSetText("Win Random $L \n Bet from $L10 to $L100 \n " + wnnr + " has won $L" + (string) pyo + " \n Total Payout $L" + (string) po,<.1,1,.5>,1); llInstantMessage(player,"Thank you for playing.");}}run_time_permissions(integer perm){ if (PERMISSION_DEBIT & perm) { } else { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Sorry, you must click 'yes' to operate this. ");llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); }}}[quote] betting orbs this is one of my more feature laden gaming scripts. I put it to change the object name, due to the fact I made a lot of different dominations of orbs, and was getting them confused. Made it very eayy to tell which one was which. CODE
[/quote]integer p1 = 10;integer p2;string lpl;integer tpi;integer tpo;integer tpp;default{ on_rez(integer x) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { p2 = p1 * 10; tpi = 0; tpo = 0; tpp = 0; lpl = ""; llSetObjectName("Betting Orb $L" + (string) p1); llSetText("Bet $L" + (string) p1+ " - Win $L" + (string) p2 + "\n Last Player: " + lpl,<1>,1); llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [p1, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]); }touch_start(integer x){ if (llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) { llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0),"Please pay $L" + (string) p1 + " to play. \n You can win $L" + (string) p2); } if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner()," \n Total pay in - $L" + (string) tpi + "\n Total pay out - $L" + (string) tpo + " \n Total times played - " + (string) tpp); }}money(key pla, integer mon){ tpp = tpp + 1; tpi = tpi + mon; lpl = llKey2Name(pla); llInstantMessage(pla,"Good luck, " + lpl + "."); integer num1 = (integer) llFrand(14) + 1; integer num2 = (integer) llFrand(14) + 1; if (num1 == num2) { llInstantMessage(pla,"You won $L" + (string) p2 + " !"); llGiveMoney(pla,p2); tpo = tpo + p2; } llInstantMessage(pla,"Thank you for playing."); llSetText("Bet $L" + (string) p1+ " - Win $L" + (string) p2 + "\n Last Player: " + lpl,<1>,1);} run_time_permissions(integer perm){ if (PERMISSION_DEBIT & perm) { } else { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Sorry, you must click 'yes' to operate this. ");llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT); } }}
1 likes 1 comments



Nice nice, sweet pieces of the code))

July 27, 2021 07:04 AM
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