Things move that should not...

Published September 27, 2014
Day five!

I feel that I got a fair bit done today: I fixed my nascent enemy creature, then implemented two more; I implemented a (very, very basic) cutscene system (albeit that it's not yet fully tested, I fear); I found and began implementing music, and have put in place the skeleton of sound handling; I changed the player's attack animation; I fixed an issue in level generation (by virtue of telling it to keep trying until it gets it right); I made small progress on various other items. I even put together text for a "credits" screen. A busy day!

I think that I may have alluded to this at some stage, but I don't intend to work on Sunday; as a result, tomorrow is my final day, ending (likely) on what is technically Sunday morning. There's much to do in that last day, but I do think that I can do it! happy.png

Finally, two more teasers: my two newest toys, a far-too-realistic cannon and an aimless wandering doll.
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Cannons never scare anyone...but an aimless wandering they are freaky beings of random chaos. looking good :)

September 27, 2014 05:21 AM

Thank you! ^_^

The cannons may not be scary, but they're dangerous. ;)

September 27, 2014 02:55 PM
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