Shelves - Post Mortem

Published October 02, 2014
Let me start with the traditional yet truly deserved THANK YOU.
Thank You for every body who put this thing together and made it happened, to the judges, the organizers, the contenders, everyone.
Thank you to everybody who read my journals or played my game, commented or helped me during this amazing week.

So lets start, first.

The Good

o One of the best things worth mentioning was The concept, IMO. Its hard enough that the WoA is actually a week, I started to work on my project
only at the middle of the competition leaving me very few days, so, if I ever wanted to complete a game in that time frame I had to go with something
simple that will express the theme of the jam. This acrade-ish concept (I would even say more suited for mobile) was the right thing to do, going 2D as

o The art, having never drawing something that wont remind you of a six year old painting, I'm pretty satisfied with the result, I didn't draw many
assets but the ones I did turn out to be fine and OK with the mood of the game - I wanted to make it scary - but child scary, try to create the most
innocent scary scene, toys+monsters+squeaky sounds smile.png Using my dad's Galaxy Note to draw was another brilliant move in my opinion, with the
lack of wacom/whatever graphic tablet i had to come up with a decent way to draw on a device, the Note with the pen was the best solution available.

o The Menu - not much to elaborate, i just really like the idea :[color=#000000]P[/color]

o XNA - I consider myself not bad with XNA (2D mostly though sad.png ) so choosing it over something else that I'm much less familiar with made
the process a lot more fun and rage-free...

[color=#0000cd]The Bad:[/color]

Time - obviously... being sick and chained to previous responsibilities didn't help either. I had very little time to work which made me work for long
periods of time without a break when I did got to work on it, leading to ugly and unorganized code that I'm ashamed of.

Replay value - Leaving out on of the most important things in my game did make it a little pointless. The plan was to make the levels/maps/layouts
unlockable challenging the player to get to a certain amount of points to unlock. Also add some bonuses as light switches mid-match that will destroy
all living toys at the moment, and an extended light that could heal multiple close toys... Eventually the game didn't have those and you pretty much
get the point of it really fast... A fact that makes it less memorable, which is a shame.

The Art, lets face it, it is still not that good tongue.png

[color=#0000cd]Some Notes:[/color]



o The journal was a blessing, I really enjoyed reading other's and writing mine. getting feedback and comments was very motivating and i was
constantly surprised with the amazing activity of this community.

o The initial idea was Under the bad - instead of shelves you searched for monsters under the bad - but having trouble with the presentation (art-wise)
made me looking for another idea that led to the story from my childhood.

o This is an amazing first impression from gamejams (which as noted so many times smile.png is my first) and i will be attending to many more in the future.
That experience was super important to me due to the fact that I'm joining the army (which is mandatory where i live) in the very near future.

o I thought about uploading pictures from the process (some sketeches I made) but I can't right now, if someone will ask i'll do it when i'll get home.
I will attach some screenshots of the game.
^I did better than this i swear^

And please, if you played the game - i would love to hear your comments.
THANK YOU, again.
3 likes 2 comments


Your game is actually next in my list to review, i can't wait to try it out=-)
October 02, 2014 05:07 PM

Your game is actually next in my list to review, i can't wait to tdy it out=-)

Hope you'll like it :)

Thanks again for making this happened!

October 02, 2014 06:08 PM
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