V2.00! (Easy Mode)

Published October 11, 2014
Just thought I'd give everybody a rest and fix the controls.
You can now play the 'Easy' mode!

Notable changes:
- Increased the mass of the car
- Reduced angular drag of the car
- Drastically increased acceleration to compensate for mass
- Drastically increase rotation to compensate for mass and insure more responsive turns

The car still doesn't feel perfectly right, but it is much easier to control nevertheless.

Previous Entry Results are in!
2 likes 7 comments


Just beat the easy mode, the improved turning is very nice=-)
October 11, 2014 03:35 AM

Thanks :)

Not too easy I hope?

October 11, 2014 04:40 AM
It's hard to say, as i had my previous experiance to use when playing, so i don't know how much easier this version would be from your previous version.
October 11, 2014 02:37 PM
I feel the same but if anything, rotation is factually faster and drags are more aggressive. Also reverse acceleration played a key role in my test playthroughs as it allowed me to back out of dire situations I could not before. I could spend a lot more time tweaking this, but I will jump back to my other games instead ;)
October 11, 2014 04:32 PM

Oh wow, this is much improved, I do feel! ^_^

The car seems to be much more responsive; I felt that I had a far great degree of control over it. I still died several times (especially on the final section), but those deaths were less frustrating than I recall from the previous version as they more often felt like the result of my own mistakes than the car physics making life difficult.

October 11, 2014 11:03 PM
Servant of the Lord
Beat your torture device! (actually wasn't too hard. I was playing the original harder version).
The part with the four 'teacher stares' spinning in a circle with the green gak goo leading to the bridge that's curved... that took me a while. That was pretty challenging, and then that annoying scary face with the spinning pencils kept forcing me to rush and get sloppy. What is the face representing? The teacher herself?
Objects don't reset when you die - this makes it easier to beat the game, since you can use one run to mess up objects and object paths, and the next run to get through.
Very fun.
October 12, 2014 04:30 PM

Oh wow, this is much improved, I do feel! happy.png

The car seems to be much more responsive; I felt that I had a far great degree of control over it. I still died several times (especially on the final section), but those deaths were less frustrating than I recall from the previous version as they more often felt like the result of my own mistakes than the car physics making life difficult.


That took me 15-20 minutes to put together (including building time and upload). Unity makes it very easy to tweak when you use it well :)

Beat your torture device! (actually wasn't too hard. I was playing the original harder version).
The part with the four 'teacher stares' spinning in a circle with the green gak goo leading to the bridge that's curved... that took me a while. That was pretty challenging, and then that annoying scary face with the spinning pencils kept forcing me to rush and get sloppy. What is the face representing? The teacher herself?
Objects don't reset when you die - this makes it easier to beat the game, since you can use one run to mess up objects and object paths, and the next run to get through.
Very fun.

The face is how the boy sees the teacher. Originally though, I was toying with the idea of having a 'live toy' preventing you from going through (like a Teddy bear that would push you out instead of draining your light). It felt a bit out-of-theme and I didn't have time to produce the art for an additional toy that would have a consistent quality level so I scrapped the idea.

That level was the most fun to make, and I think it turned out well. I like that, when you know the game as much as I do, that's actually one of the easiest levels to go through (sufficient planning and practice makes it easier).

The boss is actually THE 'easiest' level, but it requires flawless execution. It is so 'easy' in fact, that by trying to make the game easier (v2.00), I made the boss harder, because the previous solution involved using the car drag to your own advantage. Note that by easy, I mean that there is no luck involved when you know exactly what you need to do.

To make it easy however, one has to experience the game a lot and understand exactly how the physics work on that car...

Re: Objects not resetting: That was actually as designed, and something I didn't have time to capitalize on. Originally, I wanted to have save points unreachable on the first attempt. For example, you'd have to move blue erasers out of the way, and then try again. I also wanted to allow the player to push objects out of a desk and use them to build a 'path' (push an eraser and use it as a surface to bridge gaps). I didn't have the time to implement this obviously, but level persistence was to be a key feature...

Then, I realized it was also an organic way of decreasing difficulty so that players wouldn't fall in a loop where they would need to try the same thing 50 times and get frustrated. The first rotating pencil and the sliding eraser desks, for example, were two areas you could totally mess up and end up beating just because the ingredients had moved.

In my original design however (which was less forgiving), some moves could cause a level to become almost unbeatable...

Someone also made me realize one of the levels could be skipped entirely by pushing a blue eraser: that was actually very cool because the player ended up trying to beat the level a few times before thinking outside of the box and finding a way through. I felt it was very rewarding and not too obvious, so I left it in intentionally.

Thanks for the feedbacks!

October 12, 2014 07:06 PM
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