Level Editor done.

Published September 23, 2015
The level editor is done.

It took me a lot longer that I estimated, but I have everything in place now so hopefully I can start focusing on level design.

It is divided in several "screens". The Image Editor lets you load files, set their UV coords, set origin, and if they are animated sprites you can attach them animations.


After an image is prepared, you can load them on the back/fore ground, or use them in the Part Editor to create a box2d part:


The Part Editor asigns physical parts to an image. Basically 1 image = 1 object. You can also add shapes by using circles, rectangles and polygons; each with their own physical properties.

Then come the Object Editor which puts together the parts to create links/trees of physical parts joined by revolute/prismatic joints.


And there's also de physics editor which, after loading a background image, let's you draw the global static physics of the level for the character to collide with:


Extra screens:

Character positioner (lets you decide where is there character going to start and in the initial position).
Sensor Editor (lets you put sensor all around the level that trigger events)
Victory editor (lets you choose the victory conditions for the level)

I'm planning to include this editor with the game, but probably I need to make it easier to use and hide a lot of details from the user. But that's for another time...

I need a character editor now...
6 likes 2 comments


Nice work. It's always hard knowing how much time to invest in the editor. My last game project that ever came near to completion (Squishy), I spent about twice as much time on the editor as on the game. My rational was that unless it was as easy as possible to create content for the game, the project was screwed anyway. I stand by this today, despite the death of that project for other reasons.
September 23, 2015 05:16 PM

That's an interesting point. I think I haven't put too enough effort on the editor, but it IS important for the game to include one... I may have to dedicate much more thought into it than I had planned.

My main obstacle so far has been that every background is different, every object appears one or two times. There are no tile to reuse or similar enemies/objects that repeat several times during the game, basically every level is different.

So right now you have to draw and create everything for each level, requiring lots of work, something I don't think users will want to do.

September 23, 2015 11:57 PM
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