The community sucks

Published October 06, 2016

Okay so I lied. In reality it is a great community filled with many amazing people.

However now that my odious tactic of a clickbait title has got you in here.

Please go to and please vote on:


And if by chance you already have. Then I offer you complete reassurance that my desperately clingy hug of gratitude is really just a manly hug of thank you :).

6 likes 6 comments



Sends a metaphysical hug to Phantom

October 06, 2016 10:16 AM

LOL, A bit click baity. However, happy to see more attention for the great game.

Had our first major press coverage today

Precursor's Dawn has made the #5 spot next to Mass Effect.

The full article can be read here

October 07, 2016 05:16 AM
I haven't been online here much recently. When I saw this, I immediately thought, "What the hell could have happened to sour Stormynature?" Then I thought, "I wonder if this is just clickbait?" ...And then I clicked it.

I'm happy all is well. I voted you up on Steam and I'll be backing your project soon. It looks cool! :)

- Eck
October 11, 2016 05:53 AM

I haven't been online here much recently. When I saw this, I immediately thought, "What the hell could have happened to sour Stormynature?" Then I thought, "I wonder if this is just clickbait?" ...And then I clicked it.

I'm happy all is well. I voted you up on Steam and I'll be backing your project soon. It looks cool! :)

- Eck

Guilty as charged ><

Thank you kindly and welcome back to the fold I hope. At least I hope everything is going well post move and new job.

October 11, 2016 06:14 AM

This looks awesome! I voted for it.

I see you did a turn based space ship combat game. This excites me. What would excite me even more is if you could target specific subsystems of a ship during the tactical battle, sort of like Fallout style. You could customize the load out of your ship weapons and subsystems, then build a fleet with complementary systems, and then fight other fleets... Maybe rockets have a 100% hit rate, or deal more damage, but are easier to counter. Maybe lasers have a higher hit rate, or cause intense heating, but can be reflected? And maybe mass driver type weapons can't be countered, but can be evaded or negated with armor? So, you can choose what weapons to load out, what counter systems to put in place, and what specs to give each ship. Do you go 100% missiles? Do you try to overwhelm the missile defenses? Do you add a counter-missile ship to your fleet? What if you can only have a fixed fleet capacity, so you have to be selective about what ships compose your fleet? Do you go for massive capital ships, or lots of small fighter wings? This could have some really interesting replay value :)

October 12, 2016 06:34 AM

As an update - Precursor's Dawn is now Greenlit -- Thank you all :)

October 19, 2016 01:45 PM
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