Learning to change learning

Published January 08, 2018

Well, I have become a rare guest these last few months, haven't I? Sorry about that. My deep dive into the sciences related to my game ideas has pulled me into a very different "game" project. The people that wanted me to do a presentation are still talking about things, but one of them offered me a small while-we-wait project, designing an education gamification website. As some may have figured out, I have a background in teaching, and I have used games programming in that line of work before. Mixing educational psychology and game programming, I have developed a basic set of challenges (they're too simple to even call games, I feel) that should teach anyone a ton of stuff quick and easy. I did the programming (for a small demo, click here), now I'm collecting a TON of material to fill in it. Currently going through some of the finer details on astrophysics. Got a lot ahead of me!

So the big philosophical debates are not coming from me right this moment. But if you want to learn or brush up on a lot of book knowledge, I will soon have the thing just for you ;)

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Embassy of Time

PS: The kitten orphanage is rolling along just fine, btw. Just took in an older cat that has seen his share of hardship, but he's starting to relax and enjoy his new home here. I named him Tolkien. I'm a nerd :D

January 08, 2018 10:37 PM
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