QLMesh 2.0 and Asset Import Library

posted in DevJournal for project QLMesh 2.0
Published January 20, 2018

For QLMesh (and some other projects), I am running my own fork of Asset Import Library.  The difference: it is amalgamated build - all sources are merged into one file (including dependencies). Since Assimp recently switched to miniz, I have replaced remaining references to zlib with miniz - so zlib is not required too.

drwxr-xr-x  85 piecuchp  staff     2890 Jan 17 23:34 assimp
-rw-r--r--   1 piecuchp  staff  4921627 Jan 17 23:34 assimp.cpp
-rw-r--r--   1 piecuchp  staff  2893785 Jan 17 23:34 private\assimp.h


Everything you need to buid the assimp is:

g++ -c -std=c++11 code-portable/assimp.cpp

or just add assimp.cpp to your project/IDE (you can find code-portable directory in my repo.

One disclaimer: I have only tested this amalgamation under OSX with QLMesh). Main reason for this amalgamation is that it makes compilation/recompilation on different platforms with different configurations rather easier.

Side-effect is that single-file assimp.cpp compiles really fast (like 10x faster on my MacBook than original project files).



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Neat little thing, all in two files. But it doesn't work out of the box on non Mac platforms. Do you mind making it work for other platforms as well?

January 27, 2018 08:38 PM
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