Why I'm making this game?

posted in soul_requiem
Published May 21, 2018

After 2 and a half years learning, practicing and making small games, as a team we decided to make the
next step and make a commercial game.

We know that we have a lot to learn yet, so for this game we're going to focus on the abilities we already have. This way the development will be faster and don't will be delayed for getting stuck in code
or sprites too hard to make.

We have more experience making platformer games, so we're going for that direction, also we think it's
easier for making sprites, coding, and animation.

if you're interested check the first game we released as a team!
Gamejolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/umbral/153048
Itch.io : https://rengy.itch.io/umbral


Fist sprites for Cow vs the Pig Empire


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