Dungeon Crawler Challenge - Update 1

posted in kseh's blog for project One Day
Published January 05, 2019

Been working on my project for the Dungeon Crawler challenge for about a week now. I think I'm fairly happy with the maze generation I have. I'm using the Accidental Noise Library to basically generate some initial chambers to a tile map. Then I iterate through the map, flood fill any open chambers with an ID value, decide a Hotpoint for the chamber (the middle'th(?) tile that gets filled) , and then try to connect each chamber's Hotpoint to the next nearest chamber's Hotpoint. Using another flood fill, I check if I've connected every chamber sufficiently. If not, start again.

From another project, I've moved over all the classes I need to get a humanoid instanced. I'm able to move him around the maze, colliding into walls accordingly. Only thing is though, the way my "walls" have their edging done you can't have it so that an actor is peeking over walls drawn on the south edges. Actors just end up standing on the edging spoiling the look of the wall. I could adjust my collisions so that actors don't stand on those edges, but the reminder and temptation is just too great to spend a bunch of time trying to make it so you can look over the edge of the south walls. So I instead I went with reversing my edging so it looks as though the player is walking on a raised path instead like you're walking on a path surrounded by something lethal. Not sure what that something will be just yet, if I decide at all, but I'm satisfied with it the way it is.

So for screenshot here, your character would be walking on the grey part. The green I was thinking might be swamp or like sewer water or maybe I figure on a different setting yet. The character's clothes all come out pink at the moment and I'm not sure whether a trench-coat will be part a potential piece of equipment or not but it gives a bit of an indication of where things are.


Lots of ideas for things I want to add but it'd probably be a good idea if I can get myself onto implementing fighting enemies as soon as possible. I'm still not sure just what combat will involve or look like.

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What kind of progression systems will you have in place? Gear, Skill Based, Static Gear, with Attributes?

Thanks for sharing your post, I'm looking forward to your next update.

January 06, 2019 11:02 AM
On 1/6/2019 at 4:02 AM, Rutin said:

What kind of progression systems will you have in place? Gear, Skill Based, Static Gear, with Attributes?

Thanks for sharing your post, I'm looking forward to your next update. 

Admittedly, progression is something I haven't given enough thought about. I suppose at the moment I'm leaning more towards gear progression. Wood sword, copper sword, iron sword, that sort of thing.

Too many ideas that are fun to work on but don't really result in a game being built. This weekend, instead of looking at combat, I spent hours trying to work out something for a lighting feature using old code that was broken in the first place and doesn't give a result that actually adds anything to the game. I got some assorted bugs worked out in the process but I haven't really moved forward.

And thinking about how to make the dungeon interesting, I have to consider that it's tough to work out where to place features in a dungeon that's generated the way I've done it. I think I might have to go with generating some levels to start with and manually placing enemies and obstacles. Just gotta get out of this obsession with making things random. Save it for other projects where I have more time  .



January 07, 2019 05:35 PM
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