Why 2D

posted in DreamLand editor
Published March 12, 2020

3D games are better than 2D games. However coming up with 3d graphics (art assets) that are high quality and omoneneus across the game is difficult. That`s the real challenge. We might have 3d graphics one day but until then it`s 2d.

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3D games are better than 2D games.

[[citation needed]]

Joke aside, this is a ridiculous statement to try as state as a fact. A bad game will be a bad game regardless of how it's presented. A good or bad presentation can make a specific game better or worse but there's absolutely nothing that makes a 3D title inherently better because it has more D's.

March 13, 2020 04:49 PM

3D is more expressive.

March 13, 2020 05:02 PM

all games emulate a 3d reality (puzzle games not included). even a side scroler or a basic 2d pong game. 3d is nothing but closer to the original.

March 27, 2020 11:53 AM
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