Hello Everyone!

posted in Master of None
Published March 10, 2023

The title comes from the fact that I have always been a Jack-of-all-Trades, and master of none. To be honest, as I get older, I feel more like Hack-of-all-Trades. Maybe that will be my next blog page.

In any event, I can do almost anything in gaming. I just don’t do it that well. For example, my audio skills are pretty much atrocious … but I get the job done! Part of the reason for this is that I pretty much find everything interesting when it comes to game and app making.

The other part is that I have low tolerance for uniformity. If anyone creates a new acronym and wants me to adhere to it, I tune out. It’s hard to believe another system will save the world. As I have found from being around the game industry for so long, almost everyone knows what is best for it … and almost none of them agree. At this point, it is pretty obvious that gaming is a partly inexact science.

For me, I tend to like just getting things to work and have a happy ending. So, my goal in this undertaking is to take a slightly antithetical approach to most Dev articles. I offer this blog as a fun alternative to a strict adherence to things like Agile principles. Help me and let’s throw some opinions in there that may disrupt what is stifling the creativity and energy of development world. Moreover, we can enjoy the simple fun of getting it done … and possibly rhyme once in a while.

If you like to try out one of my free apps (for copying and moving bulk files,) please go here:


If you’d like to pay me $2.79 for roughly the same app without ads, please go here:


If you like to see me post silly things from my company, try this:


If you’d like to see me in action:


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