What I've been up to recently

Published May 18, 2005
Well, it's been a bit since I've posted any new tool functionality screenshots, so I figured that I might as well give some fresh content to the masses!

I've been wanting to build this type of control for a while because I feel that it gives an aesthetic look to any UI that offers texture selection. Right now the images are loaded using the native OS calls, but I am going to abstract the data streaming to also use Managed Direct3D to load images if needed (compressed DDS for example). I also want to build in a caching mechanisms to limit redrawing and reloading as much as possible. A simple prototype is already in place but I want to expand on it.

I called it Material Browser, even though it currently does not offer much more functionality than a Texture Browser. I may or may not expand on the control, but regardless, if I made a material browser control it would just be a composite of texture browser.

Anywho, going to get back to work. Also off to the first showing of Star Wars tonight, I have high hopes, it better be good!

Lastly, the book writing is going steady and great. First deadline is approaching quickly (May 31 for 25 percent).
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