
Published July 02, 2005
Well, I was able to get a bit of work done this morning on C.F.L., atleast enough to stay on a formidable time line.

I haven't worked on seeking any freelance work the last two or three days, as my day job and coding have kept me busy enough. I still have to finish adding content to my freelance promoting website, as well as build some sample applications sometime this coming week.

I have a library of unread books at this point as well. There is so much that I would like to accomplish in a day, but there is so little time. I have about thirteen books I need to finish reading, a game engine to develope, a text game, a novel to finish writing, work five to eight hours a day, freelance work and promotion, and then of course there's my relationships with my family and friends. I think this has been a problem for me for sometime, taking on too much at once. As previously stated, I've managed to better structure my time in hopes to complete these many tasks, but it maybe time re-evaluate the level of importance of certain tasks, and dedicate less time to some then I am currently. I wish I could eleviate the need to work a stinking day job all together and would be able to devote full time work to game developement, and writing, but I suppose these things take time.

Well, I have to finish getting ready for work.
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