Reason to hate java #4789

posted in Not dead...
Published January 07, 2006
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.

public BugReport getBugReport(int inPos) {			if(inPos < bugReports.size()) {		return (BugReport)bugReports.elementAt(inPos);		}	return null;}

yes, I know, I told it todo them... so give me a safe option... oh, wait, you cant.

*misses templates*

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Damn my Java must be getting rusty. What's wrong with that code?

January 07, 2006 01:52 PM
technically, nowt, the vector object "bugReports" stores everything as an object, so to get it back to the BugReport object you have to cast it.. the compile complains that this is unchecked/possibly unsafe...
January 07, 2006 02:14 PM
Ah, okay... that whole casting thing becomes so normal in Java that I failed to see anything wrong [lol]

I've not used the "Java 5" series - IBM were on Java 1.4.2 (i think) which was where I last did any serious Java programming. Is that warning some sort of by product of how they have their generics thing? I don't remember the 1.4.2 compiler ever complaining about that sort of thing.

January 07, 2006 04:41 PM
You should check out java 1.5, it has generics.

Though, I prefer templates (C++ templates), I don't care about having multiple copies of basicly the same thing but with class T replaced with double or char, as long as I don't have to do it.;P

Your code would become:

public BugReport getBugReport(int inPos) {
	if(inPos < bugReports.size()) {
		return bugReports.elementAt(inPos);	
	return (BugReport)null;


But your declaration of bugReports would be: vector<BugReport> bugReports.
January 07, 2006 05:11 PM
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