So it begins..

Published February 10, 2006
So I've finally got a start on a GUI system.

First on tap..texture mapped fonts!

I spent the past few days getting a small framework up, texture manager, loading via OpenIL. Some math classes.

Tonight I finally got the fonts working after about two days of headaches trying to get it working, note thats about an hour or two a night if that..

The problem..OpenIL said the image was in BRGA not RGBA. So I swap the image, yay for a OpenIL helper function, and everything worked!

Quickly added colors, ala Quake

Heres a quick image, nothing much but hey its a start since I've been out of the GFX loop for a while :)
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Am I the only one that things that that screenshot is the pure representation of everything that is evil about OpenGL?
February 10, 2006 08:59 AM
LOL, hey its a quick way to get alot of text on the screen ;)

and the background Image is the splash screen for the game I did at Full Sail
February 10, 2006 09:06 AM
I think cypher was referring to the extensions -- which is not openGL, but rather microsoft refusing to keep up.
February 10, 2006 11:41 AM
Quote:I think cypher was referring to the extensions -- which is not openGL, but rather microsoft refusing to keep up.

*but rather the ARB refusing to keep up.
February 10, 2006 02:08 PM
Looks cool! I originally used Bitmap fonts as well, but it was killing my framerate. Texture mapped fonts had better performance, and made for easy cross platform font management.
February 10, 2006 03:14 PM
Rob Loach
Damn nice. I'm currently working on implementing a bitmap font system as well, any tips/source you have?
February 10, 2006 03:34 PM
I used the Bitmap Font builder linked on NeHe, which works really well, Found here. Though I don't like the widths it outputs, so I take the average with and divide it by 2. Which gives that nicely packed look. The NeHe tutorial(s) are pretty good.

I use a vertex arrray to draw each string right now, though I may change it so all text is drawn at once.

Drawing all of that gives over 500FPS right now, in debug its like 10, since I'm using VS 2005 and all the error checking in the STL.
February 10, 2006 03:48 PM
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