On taking my own medicine

Published August 08, 2004
As the unlikely reader may or may not be aware, I've been kvetching loudly about usability recently. I also have been designing an application to make process flow easier, more efficient and less prone to error at work by automating all the tedious and repetitive mechanical aspects of the task (moving files, renaming files, changing certain properties, etc.) How ironic that I didn't think about usability in my initial design.

I've scrapped that and I'm starting afresh. Right now I'm doing a UI mock up (actually functional, but I'll just take screenshots to work) to discuss with my boss. It's a completely different thing when you design a piece of software with your users in mind and when you design with functionality in mind.

Go now and do likewise!
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Oluseyi! Glad to see a dev journal from ya! Look forward to seeing what you're up to. [smile]
August 10, 2004 12:37 AM
Thanks [smile]
August 10, 2004 09:00 PM
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