Math and Physics Online Tutorials

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4 comments, last by sab3156 21 years, 5 months ago
Hello! I am a tenth grader, and am anxious to get into 3D Game Development. I know C++, and am currently learning OpenGL. Now, as you all know, game development in 3D takes a vast amount of physics and math knowledge, in addition to programming. My question is this: Do you guys know of any *free* online tutorials that go in depth like if I were sitting in physics/math class? There probably aren''t very many of them, but does anybody know of any? Specifically, Algebra2, Trigonometry, Calculus, Physics, Linear Algebra, and any more required for game development. Any great tutorials, learning-guides, online textbooks, etc., would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advanced!!
Air-Conditioners are like computers. They stop working when you open windows.
i have no specific reccomendations but googling for "physics tutorial" or "linear algebra tutorial" seems to offer a bounty of links

i''d also suggest checking out your school library for the appropriate text books. or your local library.

I''m also a high schooler who has been really into this kind of stuff for years. My advice to you is to get the strongest grasp on vectors, for they form the basis for much of the physics and graphics theory here. Of course you will also need a very strong grasp of algebra in order to do most of the things in vector algebra/physics/calculus. I would first search the gamedev resources, because they are articles geared toward game development. After that, go to wolfram ( to find some things, although it might be hard to decipher and understand most of it... As far as calculus- focus on the basic concepts of integration and differentiation as applied to vectors. Most of the time you won''t need advanced calc. to solve any of the problems you work on. Oh, I forgot to mention geometry. Get lots of geometry and trig, most of the questions here relate to those subjects. Physics is needed only if you want a really accurate model of the world in your game. Moreover, much of the physics you will need can be found in a first year physics class (projectile motion, motion in general, energy-momentum, waves, friction, newtonian laws, etc.) Keep looking around and post questions. I have found it to be one of the more worthwhile quests I have made.
Best wishes-
Brendan"Mathematics is the Queen of the Sciences, and Arithmetic the Queen of Mathematics" -Gauss
thank you, punty50 and palidine. I agree with you punty. your response has helped greatly. i think i''ll be doin'' some ''googling.'' lol. thanks guys.
Air-Conditioners are like computers. They stop working when you open windows.
quote:Original post by Punty50
... After that, go to wolfram ( ...

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