Try out my new game

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36 comments, last by AK47 20 years ago
Hi guys and gals I''ve just finished a complete game, a breakout clone, wondering whether you guys and gals can test play it a little. The game has 3 levels, not the usual 6 or 12 levels, so the player can conquer the game fast and get a sense of satisfaction, and who can last through 6 rounds of breakout? The game has a moderately slow ball movement; it is not a reflex game like the other breakout clones. With falling bombs feature; it is more of a strategy game; the player need to gauge the best angle to deliver the ball. The game is implemented 100% with STL smart pointers, so memory leaks should not be a problem. The game uses about 10mb of memory during runtime. The game is implemented with OpenGL and runs on windows 9x, 2000, maybe XP or NT. I appreciate any feedback. BUT THE MAIN THING IS...>:->...MUHAHAHAHA....(AK47 showing his fangs, rubbing his hands).... I''ve sent this game to this really really famous I mean world renowned game programmer and his feedback was collision detection failed, speed too extreme and option menu overlap main menu. After vomitting blood from embarassment, I suspect that my FPS limiter code failed with video cards like Geforce, I do not have a video card. That''s game version 4.0. I upgraded the time code in version 4.3. So I am really interested in your feedback if you tested game version 4.0 and 4.3 with your video carded computer. If version 4.0 is bad but 4.3 is good, then I have fixed the problem. If version 4.0 is bad and version 4.3 is bad, then I know I have not fixed the problem yet. But if version 4.0 is good and 4.3 is good also, then I can''t sleep... You can get the game at Thanks & many regards
I tried both versions and had the same probs.

1- Menu screws up a bit.
2- there is no collision whatesoever at the sides and the angles of the ball makes it almost impossible to actually NOT hit the sides.
3- The sound hits a never-ending loop if the ball goes over to the sides or behind the paddle.
4- Overall the game is frustrating with that annoying never-ending sound that makes me want to bash my head into my computer monitor... but other than that you got some fairly nice FPS, with more work and testing you might get a workable little demo.

All the luck to ya and post your next version. peace.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. -Edmund Burke
Hi Eric, thanks for the feedback and encouragement! What''s your video card? ;9

A guy tested my game on a Radeon card, he reports no problems. I really can''t figure out what''s the bug. I am going a bit fruit cake....
Is the thing written in a portable API, like OpenGL or STL? If it is, put up the source code! I run under Mac OS X and would love to try it out and post feedback but I kinda need to run it first. If you take the time, thanks!
here''s my specs:
GeforceFX 5200 128MB
AMD Athlon XP 1.5Ghz
Running on WinXP Pro

All my drivers are up to date.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. -Edmund Burke
It doesn''t work properly on my pc. Windows XP with a S3 pro savage might be the card I don''t know. Menu is really odd like its displaying 2 or 3 things at the same time over each other. Then once I get into the game I can''t see any blocks. I can see a background and the paddle and ball but no blocks. I can shoot the ball and hit things just they are not visible.
Upon first running the game, the menu is screwed up for me too. It seems to draw all of them (options, high scores, etc) at once. Everything in game worked fine. But it wouldn''t let me exit by any normal means. I tried selecting the Exit option, did nothing, same with clicking X on the title bar, and Alt-F4. Had to end the task via task manager to get out
Who was the programmer you sent it to?

Stay Clausal,

Red Sodium

[edited by - red_sodium on April 15, 2004 10:39:23 AM]
"Learn as though you would never be able to master it,
hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it" - Confucius
Hey guys your feedback was really helpful, thanks! Now I am forming some evil ideas....Muhahahahahahaha

To anon with mac, thanks! I thought hard about posting my source code, but I am like a new mom with a new born baby, pretty attached to the baby even if it''s simple. Maybe soon after my postnatal clinging subside....In the mean time, I might port the code to mac.

Who''s that game programmer? You know him, he has helped you.
No problems with sounds, or with the collision detection here.

Menu is screwed up initially, menu items from the Options sub-menu overlayed over the top of the main menu, which is overlayed over the High Scores list.

Here is a screenshot.

Once I select something, the problem seems to disappear.

My System:

AMD Athlon XP 2500+ (1.8GHz)
Running on WinXP Pro

All drivers current (to my knowledge, at least )

Edit: Forgot to add that I can't exit the program at all. The Close button doesn't work, and neither does the 'Exit' menu item.

[edited by - henrym on April 15, 2004 11:16:40 PM]

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