BltFast woes

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2 comments, last by tHiSiSbOb 21 years, 10 months ago
I am just trying to get an image on the screen usin bltfast. But it is not showing up. If i use Blt it works. Here is my code: RECT rct; rct.left =10;; rct.bottom=120; rct.right=120; Primary->BltFast(100,100,Bitmap,&rct,DDBLTFAST_WAIT); What am i doing wrong. "Computers are only as smart as their programers" My Site-> Still working on it.
----------------------------------------------------"Plant a tree. Remove a Bush" -A bumper sticker I saw.
Should you not be drawing onto the back buffer, not the primary one? Also, make sure that you''re loading the bitmap onto the surface correctly.
You might try checking the return value from the API. My guess is that a portion of the blit is offscreen and that is why it works with Blt and not BltFast.
If you have a DDraw Clipper attached to your blit target (in this case Primary) then BltFast will not work.

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