2D in DirectGraphics

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4 comments, last by Laroche 21 years, 9 months ago
I was wondering if, from a 2D standpoint, I should use transformed or un-transformed co-ordinates. Are their any real differences between the two for 2D games?
Check out my music at: http://zed.cbc.ca/go.ZeD?user_id=41947&user=Laroche&page=content
hmm., with transformed vertices, you don't have to care about the various transformation, ie, world/view/proj,

with untransformed vertices, you'll need to make a ortho proj. matrix, this make all objects appear in equal size regardless of distance from the camera

i also would like to know which method is more efficient or better?

[edited by - mickey on July 26, 2002 12:16:56 AM]
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc.,
with transformed vertices you can''t use the benefits of scaling, rotations.
You should have a look at the ID3DXSprite-Interface. It was designed to close the gap, that DirectDraw left. You don''t have to worry about transformations and stuff, and you have all the features like clipping/rotation/... (If you don''t need these features anyway and just want to blit rectangles to the screen, i would recommend ImageSurfaces)

Hope this helped.
Vampir: I have a small app that I made working with transformed coords and it loads a textureonto a quad and rotates it and scales.

I want to be able to use rotation, scaling and alpha-blending in the app.

I''m pretty sure I heard that the ID3DX-Sprites were considered slow in directX 8.0. I''m not sure if it has been fixed in 8.1, or am I totally wrong?
Check out my music at: http://zed.cbc.ca/go.ZeD?user_id=41947&user=Laroche&page=content
Well I am still searching for the best method to combine 2D isometric graphics with alpha blending an real time lighting.

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