Using sections of a bitmap with OGL

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2 comments, last by drdarkon 21 years, 9 months ago
Hey everyone, I am working on a 2d game rendering engine in OpenGL. I am pretty familiar with DirectX and Direct Draw etc... but not with OGL. Here is my question: How would I go about only taking certain parts of a bitmap? In DirectDraw, Blt has a Sourcerect where you define what part of the BMP to draw. With OpenGL since all my frames will be stored as textures I am wondering how I would take just part of a bitmap and turn it into a texture? What is the best (or any) way to do this? - Thanks - Jesse
Texture coordinates.

Ahhhh okay..

So would the best thing to do be to use the bitmap to create individual textures or to just have one big texture where I draw only parts of the texture... could you eloborate a bit?

- Thanks
quote:Original post by drdarkon
So would the best thing to do be to use the bitmap to create individual textures or to just have one big texture where I draw only parts of the texture... could you eloborate a bit?

One texture will be faster than multiple textures in all but a few situations. However, you have to worry about the maximum texture size that a video card can handle.

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