Game Idea

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15 comments, last by Game Designer 21 years, 7 months ago
My creative impulses have been sparked Waverider. You guys are full of good ideas. Keep'em coming!

I am thinking about craft right now. At least 24 different water craft. From ultra-light weight personal water craft to large ships weighing many tons and equipted with explosive tipped harpoons for the snyklars. That doesn't stop you from fishing the dreaded Kargosian Sea on Gamma Epsilon 4 from a personal water craft. But, most likely you will end up being a meal for some giant marine creature. Buying and upgrading all of your equipment would be a must. And of course profiting from your catch. Sending out that $5,000 ROV into the murky depths of a distant swamp world might not be the best idea...

It would be interesting to hear the slimy tail of some off-world amphibian slapping the hull of your 18' Comarian Hydro Skiff.

quote:Original post by AeroBLASTER
What's the target audience?

The target audience would be fans of Sci-fi and fishing. No specific age group would be targeted.

[edited by - Game Designer on August 18, 2002 8:29:44 AM]
Good ideal... being a big Elite, Frontier fan, I could see this game as being a meta-game within an online game that follows the Elite style of play.

You get land your ship on Barnards Star, get out and start fishing (Think UO fishing)... for Barnards giant yellow Tuna, it''s a delicacy on Earth you know. After catching enough to fill your ships cargo hold, you head off to the Sol system to sell your goods on the stock market

Anyway, good ideal – and good ideals spawn more ideals and that’s what creativity is all about.

Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser
Dave Dak Lozar Loeser
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous
I wonder why no one has made a massed multiplayer online game on this topic.

Would certainly rock the gaming world!!

So Staaf it hurts
Hack my projects! Oh Yeah! Use an SVN client to check them out.BlockStacker
Sounds like a brilliant idea. Maybe if you go out of your ability and pull up a 30 tonne beast with your puny fishing rod, the beast could eat you or something.
I think you would need at least 50 different types of fish/monsters of varying sizes, otherwise you could get bored pulling up the same thing over and over.

''Your theory of a donut shaped universe is intriguing Homer'' - Stephen Hawking
Lol I wanna see a MMORPG like this that would kick EQ off its high pedestal as the king of MMORPG... I can imagine it now... "Everfish". The more fish you successfully catch, the more experience you get with that pole/bait/area etc. "You have gotten better at Quick-jerk-cast(67)!" And then the more you use that bait in that area, the fish develop immunities. Then you have to come up with new bait, and it goes on and on...
Half the people you know are below average.Trogdor the Burninator
Just when I thought I''ve heard it all.

Some strategy could creep into this. The poisonous ether leeches may render the snyklars unconscious so they won''t put up a fight but they may attract the packs of alpha sharkenoids (or sumthin''). Some combat may actually be required in some situations. It''s like fishing in a bad LSD/methamphetamine trip.

Do ya get to choose what kind of beer you can bring along for the trip? =)

- Jay

"I have head-explody!!!" - NNY

Get Tranced!
Quit screwin' around! - Brock Samson
Weird... About two weeks ago, some guy named Al mentioned an idea almost exactly like this to me. There is a game development club here at MSU that meets bi-weekly. I''ll talk to him about it when we meet on Tuesday

I thought it was a great idea when he mentioned it, and it sounds cool now! I hope it eventually gets made by someone.

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