Textures / Colours

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0 comments, last by fallingbrickwork 21 years, 8 months ago
Hi all, There seems to be a lot of posts relating to Textures & Colours & Lights etc, so here goes... I''ve set up some simple object and am coloring them using glColor3f with glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL) etc etc. My scene has one light and everything seem okay until...... ....I load in some textures!!. The whole scene then seems to lose the colors i''ve given the objects and they all appear to be variations on the colour of the texture. What is causing this? In my scene I want a mixture of `textured object` and `non-textured objects`. How can I get around this problem?? I''m using NeHe''s tutorial lesson6 for the texturing code. Cheers, fallingbrickwork.
You could bind texture 0 (zero) to untextured objects. It''s simply a "void" texture.
You can also turn off texturing when you don''t want it.

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