Win32 Window rules setup

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5 comments, last by Real World 21 years, 7 months ago
I have an app that is running in windowed mode while I''m debugging but will be running full screen when its released. My main issue is when in full screen, moving the mouse to the edge of the screen brings up the resize cursor as if it was on the edge of a window - not what i want in full screen! Same if I move to the top, its as if the mouse is over the title bar. I assume this is a win32 issue and theres just an extra line of code I need. Can anyone help me out? The other less major but similar issue is I would like to be able to turn the close "X" and maximize buttons OFF when windowed. Is this possible Cheers Dave
When calling CreateWindow(Ex), pass the style WS_POPUP and make sure you dont pass the style WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW. Check MSDN for possible Arguments.
To get rid of the x, make sure you don''t use the WS_SYSCAPTION style. You may have to forcibly remove it... as in OVERLAPPED &~WS_SYSCAPTION.

Freeware development:
As he said, either forcably remove it or don''t use the OVERLAPPED styles and just build the window style yourself with |''s
Why can''t I see any of the three replies?
And now the thread says I''m the only person to have replied!? Whats happened? Did anyone reply to this thread or not?
Ah now we''re working again Cheers for the help guys - - As METAL as it gets!

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