two problems of optimization

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1 comment, last by supremo 21 years, 8 months ago
Hello I''ve got two problems i can''t figure out. I''ve spend a whole lot of time to solve them. Now, I hope that someone here know how to do it, and maybe solve them, so i can check how to do it... --------- #1: Given f(x,y) = 2xy + 1.5y – 1.25x^2 – 2y^2 Construct and solve a system of linear algebraic equations that maximizes f(x). --------- #2: Find the minimum value of f(x,y) = (x – 2)^2 + (y - 3)^2 starting at x = 1 and y = 1, using the steepest descent method with a stopping criterion of es = 1%. Maybe someone got the pseudo-code for the steepest descent method? --------- If someone can help me with these problems i''ll be very grateful! /$
How is this related to game development? If it''s not, you should read the FAQ.

Otherwise, I can tell you to Google for "gradient" if you don''t know what that is yet. If you do, then solving optimization problems is pretty straightforward. For #1, just equal the gradient to (0,0) (IIRC), and for #2, "follow" the gradient until you fall into a local minimum.

As cedricl indicated, please review the Forum FAQ.



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