which libraris and headers to include for simple directplay

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0 comments, last by DirectXXX 21 years, 6 months ago
im following mircosoft tutorials. and there is no source code for tutorials. when im linking my app the compiler shows link errors. im using VS6 so which libraris and headers to include for a simple console chat PEER program.
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Only the dplay8.h file is needed for a simple peer program.
dvoice.h is needed if you inluce the voice feature.
Also, you should have stdio.h or iostream.h for printing messages in the console, for example.

But take care of the order of the directories in the Tools\Options\Directories menu. For the include files, the DirectX SDK include folder (and also the PreRelease folder, if you have one) should be at the top of the list.

I''m not very at ease with this, but it worked for me...
Hope this will help

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