Cant seem to find a few forumlas/equation

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5 comments, last by DevLiquidKnight 21 years, 6 months ago
Im trying to find the forumla that can caculate how much a bullet drops while in the air for a certain about of time. Im also trying to find a forumla that can be used to calculate the velocity of a bullet as it travels through space. I also need to find a forumla that calculates the force on an object. I forget these and I know some of them are basic does anyone know? Killer Eagle Software
Not 100% sure about this, but I think the one about how much a bullet would fall during x time is:
s=(a*t^2)/2, where s is the distance it has fallen after t seconds. a is the gravity constant, in my area that would man 9.82, slightly less around the equator, slightly more on the north pole(like 9.83 on the north pole i think)... I''m tired, I''m not in school and I don''t have my physics book with me, so I can''t answer the rest, but...

// Eric
s(t)=s0+v0*t+1/2*a*t^2, v(t)=v0+a*t, a(t)=g where s0 is the position at t=0, v0 is the velocity at t=0 and most importantly a is a constant. More generically v(t)=s''(t) and a(t)=v''(t)=s''''(t).
Keys to success: Ability, ambition and opportunity.
Smells like a homework prob.
Is it ?

No im using it in the game im making... There are bullets and I wanted to calculate those values so they are correctly shown in the game. I haven't even tooken any physics classes. Yet...

[edited by - DevLiquidKnight on October 21, 2002 5:41:18 PM]
I''ve seen DevLiquidKnight''s other posts, and realized this probably was game-development related. Although he might be looking for an overkill solution.

I do appreciate that folks (such as Vlion) in this forum are always on the lookout for me, to help keep the forum on topic! Its a great help folks!

Graham Rhodes
Senior Scientist
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
Graham Rhodes Moderator, Math & Physics forum @
Nope just simple forumlas I can do the rest...

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