Using Boost and VC++ 6.0

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0 comments, last by Eudaemon69 21 years, 6 months ago
Ok I''m having a problem and know its probably related to my includes in VC++. I''m trying to use the Boost shared_ptr but when I include it into my program I get all kinds of errors like this : Compiling... AbstractComponent.cpp e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\config\suffix.hpp(256) : error C2995: ''min'' : template function has already been defined e:\programming projects\c++ projects\drydock\drydock\stl\stl_algobase.h(106) : see declaration of ''min'' e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\config\suffix.hpp(260) : error C2995: ''max'' : template function has already been defined e:\programming projects\c++ projects\drydock\drydock\stl\stl_algobase.h(112) : see declaration of ''max'' e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\checked_delete.hpp(24) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier ''T'' e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\checked_delete.hpp(24) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier ''T'' e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\checked_delete.hpp(30) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier ''T'' e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\checked_delete.hpp(30) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier ''T'' e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\detail\shared_count.hpp(213) : error C2504: ''counted_base'' : base class undefined e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\detail\shared_count.hpp(235) : see reference to class template instantiation ''detail::counted_base_impl'' being compiled e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\detail\shared_count.hpp(296) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier ''Y'' e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\detail\shared_count.hpp(297) : error C2065: ''Y'' : undeclared identifier e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\detail\shared_count.hpp(438) : fatal error C1506: unrecoverable block scoping error AbstractCoupler.cpp DamageCoupler.cpp DamagePacket.cpp DryDock.cpp e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\config\suffix.hpp(256) : error C2995: ''min'' : template function has already been defined e:\programming projects\c++ projects\drydock\drydock\stl\stl_algobase.h(106) : see declaration of ''min'' e:\programming projects\c++ projects\boost_1_29_0\boost\config\suffix.hpp(260) : error C2995: ''max'' : template function has already been defined I am also using the SGI implementation of the STL. I''ve tried including the STL first and then the Boost libraries but as you can see I keep getting errors. I''ve tried moving the Boost include around but still get errors no matter where its at. I thought Boost was in its own namespace and wouldn''t conflict but I guess I was wrong. I would have put this post somewhere else but it is mainly a newb type of question. Has anyone been able to use there (SGI STL and Boost) together in VC++, what am I doing wrong? Thanks.
try dropping this line before including boost headers:

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