Calling all Newbies

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55 comments, last by Run_The_Shadows 21 years, 5 months ago
Keep ''em coming, I''ve just started to try and transfer everything over and compile a master-list of things needing answered. Some will get dumped at this point for being large enough topics for their own articles(Compiler/Linker explanation), some will get left alone due to my honest lack of ability or care to do a topic I feel is too advanced for what I''m looking for(Optimization and Memory Management).
Keep ''em coming, and I should start work on the article soon.

-Ryan "Run_The_Shadows"
-The Navidson Record! The best film you''ll never see!
Okay, I read mos tof this but I skimmed a little so sorry if I am being redundant. I no how to write functions but no how to use them in code, also Classes, Ive tried to learn them every where. how to define them, how to use them etcetra. Be greatful for you help. Oh ya! what does the switch code word do and when is it used?

My funnies:
"My mom was a ventriloquist and she always was throwing her voice. For ten years I thought the dog was telling me to kill my father."
"The longest word in the english language is the one that follows the phrase, ''And now a word from our sponsor''."

[edited by - Betrayer_of_Code on November 22, 2002 10:08:15 PM]
BoC HomepageLuck is a Horse to ride like any other...Luckily im not a gambler, I dont know how to ride.
writing functions is like defining what they do:
int function(){return 46;}  

Then someway or the other you call them, note: here is where they really perform actions:
int main(){function();return 0;}  

Functions need to be somehow declared BEFORE the main()-function.
This could be done by:
-putting the funtion before main; (whole thing)
-putting the decleration before main, then fill the function somewhere else; (ex. int function(); before main)
the switch keyword is like a very big if keyword.
instead of using alot of if-else-if-else-if-else, you use a switch keyword to make things faster:
int nine=9;switch( nine ){case 0: break;case 1: break;case 2: break;case 3: break;case 4: break;case 5: break;case 6: break;case 7: break;case 8: break;case 9: cout<<"Nine equals 9"; break;default: cout<<"Nine is too big!";}  


[edited by - Pipo DeClown on November 23, 2002 4:12:19 AM]
How about an article around a simple game in C or C++?
Start with references to tutorials/books to learn the basics of the language..
Then some topics on designing the game, using psuedo-code/whatever..
Creating and explaining the classes/functions(C++/C)
Putting it all together...

If the game has some simple graphics, file operations, using different compiler options, and whatever else to demonstrate the basics...

If it can''t be done, then I can do it..
No offense but, he''s writing an article, not a book...
I am no ub3r coder to write a book like mith or trent. I''m just trying to write one decent article. That''s it. Maybe more if it turns out okay.

-Ryan "Run_The_Shadows"
-The Navidson Record! The best film you''ll never see!
Been away a few days. Bumped back up to see if I can stir up any more questions.

-Ryan "Run_The_Shadows"
-The Navidson Record! The best film you''ll never see!

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