3D View and orientation of other player's

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20 comments, last by Dominik_78 21 years, 4 months ago
Heh For those interested, this was his problem: He had a multiplayer space shooter, and wanted to map the camera view matrix of each player on the appropriate opponent ship models as viewed from the other players over the network. Turned out that he forgot to take the different coordinate frames into account. A transpose of the camera rotation part solved the problem.

Kann ich mir Transpose so vorstellen:

Yes, that''s the definition of it. Basically swapping 6 components.

Hmm ich bau mit in der Klasse einen 3x3Transpose ein. dann geht es ggf. schneller, wie Du gesagt hast. Optimieren wird denk ich mal später eh ein großer Teil sein, den ich verschwende an einigen Stellen noch Bandbreite vom AGP und Speicher und auch CPU-Cycles

Well, don''t expect a tremdendeous speedup, unless you have lots of players connected to the game. You should definitely treat all other (much more important) bottlenecks first, esp. in the rendering system.
Exactly as I thought - the rendering system is the first to optimize - I would like to render triangle strips instead of single triangles, but that would require a recalulation of my 3D models to optimize the order of my vertexes.

So I could've never explained my problem like that. Man, my english is inadequate .

What playeramounts can be achived online?

How do those MMO - Spacecombatgames handle that much information? The Server surly is 1. dedicated and 2. only send clipped data to the client. This would help increasing the playeramount.

with clipped I mean sending only data that is relevant for the client. Sending positions of players miles away in the gameworld would not make much sense.

[edited by - Dominik_78 on December 31, 2002 4:03:09 AM]

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