using playsound in glut possible?

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1 comment, last by kenjin 21 years, 4 months ago
Hi I''ve been stumped trying to use playsound in glut. Maybe its not possible to use both I''ve seen playsound used in Windows to open up a window in opengl but my code uses glut. Is is possible to use playsound while using glut? Or is open al the only way to go. I''m just looking to do simple sounds not 3d sounds. Appreciate the help -Kenjin
games rule
quote:Original post by kenjin
I''ve seen playsound used in Windows to open up a window in opengl
but my code uses glut.


What does Playsound have anything to do with opening/initializing an OpenGL window? Playsound is a Windows API function that does nothing more than what you''d expect: play a sound file, or a sound loaded into memory.

Of course you can use it "with glut", but it has nothing to do with glut. The graphics API you choose to draw/render/create windows with has nothing to do with your ability to use a Windows API function that plays sounds.

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i c thanks, I included to use playsound but it was
giving me compile errors stuff like error C2513: ''class Vec3'' : no variable declared before ''=''
c:\windows\desktop\lab\simpleviewer.cpp(2289) : error C2062: type ''char'' unexpected
c:\windows\desktop\lab\simpleviewer.cpp(2319) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '';'' before ''}''
c:\windows\desktop\lab\simpleviewer.cpp(2319) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '';'' before ''}''
c:\windows\desktop\lab\simpleviewer.cpp(2319) : err

stuff I didn''t see when I didn''t include which is what I think I need to use playsound.
it must be something else
thanks though for clearing it up
games rule

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