What free, 2D game engine should I use?

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25 comments, last by starstriker1 21 years, 5 months ago
quote:Original post by starstriker1
Ok. I tried CDX, but the tutorials on the site only lead me to errors, and finding out that the tutorial references folders that don''t exist from the install.

I''m one of the maintainers of CDX, so I have to ask: Did you post to the message list with a question on it? Usually things are answered rather quickly. Also, did you check the FAQ on the website? Most common link errors and other compiler errors are listed there. I will admit though that the tutorials are old and outdated. Most of them don''t work properly anymore since updating to 3.1... Sorry.

If you want to try CDX again, but don''t want to join the mailing list, feel free to email me personally and I''ll help you out. Once setup, CDX is very easy to use. And should be able to do everything you want.

Of course I am a bit biased on that

Always remember, you''''re unique. Just like everyone else.

Always remember, you''re unique. Just like everyone else.Greven
I would recommend CDX for you.

I don''t like SDL. It uses DX but it''s slower because it''s so much more limited. I''ve tried it, and I liked how easy it was to get it running and it''s good that it''s portable. But hell, it''s slow. I tried every possible way to make a few blits and get a descent FPS. I failed, and it''s not because I didn''t do it right. So if you want a game with lots and lots of sprites blitted every frame and want a good fps, don''t use it.

CDX was pretty cool when I check it out. I think it''s pretty good for a beginner. And it has good effects for you to use.

"To some its a six-pack, to me it's a support group."
Ah. I was using 3.1. THAT was the problem...

I''ll try CDX again, this time with version 3, so the tutorials on site will work.

Thanks again!
I wouldn''t recommend going down to 3.0. There was a reason we rolled out 3.1 Use 3.1, but post your errors and questions either here or on the mailing list. Also, try using the Application Wizard. It helps create apps very quickly and sets everything up within VC++. Also, depending on what tutorials your looking at, I can tell you what''s changed so that they make sense.

Always remember, you''''re unique. Just like everyone else.

Always remember, you''re unique. Just like everyone else.Greven
i agree with pipo the clown... just use your own... theyre not too hard to make and you get all the functionality you want out of it, depending on your imagination..
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) That is so very true...
I decided to mess around with the code in the GPDUMB engine. It ends up that "unresolved externals" and other errors were just me using the engine wrong. I just changed the names of a few globals in the engine and it worked.

Experimenting (for the first time with directX), I slipped together a simple full screen application, that had 23 slanted lines constantly moving downlwards, then reappearing at the top.

I''ve allready decided that windows is going to be a pain to program in. If anything, just because the error finding interface is not near as helpful as the one from QBASIC.

But I''m going to use the GPDUMB engine, at least for a while. I may (probably will) mess around and add to the engine to tailor it to my games needs.

Expect to see a lot of me on the programing forum, asking for help.
Just wanted to say that tried to use CDX for about half a year or so... And now I have changed my mind and use SDL...

Kind of like CDX.. It is good in the way it uses C++ classes and so on.. BUT... There is somethings I didn''t like.. The windows stuff.. All the handling with windows code and kind of stuff...

But that I could live with.. Beacause I got it to work and then I just let I be that way...

The real reason that I turned to SDL is that was unabled to find real documentation for CDX and the few tuturiols on the site (wich was slow by the way) worked but they where so few and so bad planed for a game.. Looked like you should everthing you wanted for the game in one big file... But I could have been mistaken..

The bad thing with SDL is that I miss CDXs Class structur.. But I can live with that...

I think CDX could turn out to be very good if they get some real Documentation and good tutorials

I would recommend SDL because it has the Non Windows feeling in someway.. You can if you wich easily port SDL games to Linux.. At least that what I have read...

Check out SDL at www.libsdl.org
and if you wich visit CDX at http://www.cdxlib.com/

Can''t compare other 2D engines cause I have only worked with these...

So it''s up to you wich one you want to learn and use...
If you don't want to learn anything you are in really bad trouble...

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