16bit DirectDrawSurfaces using direct memory access

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-1 comments, last by andreas_sweden 21 years, 3 months ago
I''ve got a fairly simple question which I need to get answered: When working with 16bit DirectDrawSurfaces you "have" to use 24bit images, if you are still going to make them 16bit is there any meaning of saving the 24bit version? Because, I''ve been reading and 5:6:5 is what I''m using...but some graphiccards seem to have other standards... Is there a risk to save 16bit images?... Or are all graphiccards capable of 5:6:5 bit masks? If I specifiy it when creating the surfaces using the PIXELFORMAT. Visual Basic, Java and trashed cars offers the same performance...trashed cars only move if it''''s really steep, but on the other hand would Visual Basic and Java run out of fuel or crash.
"Visual Basic, Java and trashed cars offers the same performance...trashed cars only move if it's really steep, but on the other hand would Visual Basic and Java crash."

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