that fishtank thingie

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13 comments, last by Neff 21 years, 3 months ago
I want the name of the nifty console function they used in the fish tank contest entries. I was looking for the typical thread, but it wasn''t showing up.. So... thanks return Neff;
What did the nifty function do?
the main console output function, like, it takes a buffer or something.
All but one of the entries comes with full source code.
and it might just so happen that that is the one which i was looking at!!!!!!!!! So.... does ANYONE know ANY console output functions besides cout and putch??? I''m thinking of that really really fast one that takes a char array and stuffs..

Thanks for responding.
quote:Original post by Neff
and it might just so happen that that is the one which i was looking at!!!!!!!!!
So, look at another one.
look at anohter what?? I posted here so someone could either tell me where to find it again, or so they could tell me the function i''m looking for!!!!!

return sigh;
So that *you* are contributing. It is *you* that wants the answers, isn''t it? No one here minds helping others for free, but they are much less inclined when the person is not willing to help themselves. Why should I download the files, go through the source, find whatever functions where used and post them, when you, the person who actually wants the answer, can do it (you''ll certainly get the answer faster that way)? Just understand, some people dislike being treated as servants. And trust me, the exact function you are looking for (one that uses an array) are there, you just have to get off your butt and RTFS.
quote:I posted here so someone could either tell me where to find it again,

OMG! So no one knows where the contest site is?? I HAVE been lokoing for it!! And this console function is apparently a popular one... some smart people out there prolly know what it is!! hence the posting! If you don''t want to answer or be helpful just don''t bother in the first place. I''m sorry i rubbed you the wrong way..
When faced with their own laziness people can either make excuses or make an effort. It''s the main difficulty in life and worth learning to deal with.

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