PlayStation 2 dev kit

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6 comments, last by liquid_ice_programmer 21 years, 2 months ago
does anyone know where to get a free ps2 dev kit???
2 x LOL!

1st off, you should realize that Sony doesn''t give out dev licenses to just anyone. Let alone give anyone a free one. To consistently have quality games, this is definitely a wise move on their part.

As for their linux kits, I''m not sure about that, but I still think you have to pay $. Plus, the linux kits are only available in Japan, if I''m not mistaken.
People fear what they don''t understand, hate what they can''t conquer!
quote:Original post by Bashar
2 x LOL!

LOL, you have about of much of a chance of that as i have getting a free jet...

ps2 (proper) dev kits cost loads(thousands) + you must be a registerd company (more money) + you must have a sony lisence (thousands, per year i think)

Plus, the linux kits are only available in Japan, if I''m not mistaken.

load of crap, they are avalable right now...
try here
here: FAQ

My head speaks a language i dont understand.
You should listen to me, im 'Special'.Or so my physiatrist said.
bashar is a fooooooooll

''why do companies say 95% fat free...
...when 5% taste sounds so much better''
Ebay: source of Net yaroze PsX
PS2: Linux Kit
You should listen to me, im 'Special'.Or so my physiatrist said.

''Why do companies say 95% fat free...
...why not 5% fat?''
''And why is abbriviatoin such a long word?''
''why is dislexia so hard to spell?''
Ebay: Source Of Net Yaroze PsX
PS2: Linux Kit
You should listen to me, im 'Special'.Or so my physiatrist said.
Maybe Miyamoto or Uncle Billy will give you one just to screw with sony.
Get the Linux PS2 dev kit, for $200.

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