Does Direct3D support Alpha Blending in Software mode?

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6 comments, last by Ivyn 21 years, 2 months ago
I''m programming a 2D game engine using Direct3D (DirectX 7). I want to support the maximum number of graphics cards and PCs and I am planning to use Alpha Blending for lighting and alot of other important effects. Just wondering if Direct3D supports Alpha Blending in Software mode or will I have to write custom Alpha Blending routines?
-- Ivyn --
Direct3D has no software mode.
To complete, the ''software mode'' you are probably referring to is better known as the REF rasterizer, which implements all hardware options as a reference on how things *should* look when using hardware acceleration. It is terribly slow and not meant as an alternative for hardware rendering.
Yes I am refering to the ''REF rasterizer''. If this is too slow then what are games like Half-Life and Unreal Tournament using when they have a Software Rendering Mode?
-- Ivyn --
They dont,

they have a SoftwareVertexProcessing mode.
TechleadEnilno, the Ultima 2
Half-Life and Unreal have optimized software renderers. The Direct3D "REF" device, is not optimized. It is designed to render perfectly to the specs of Direct3D. The idea being that you can code for hardware that you don''t have access to, and if it works with the "REF" device, then it will work with the hardware device you do not have (or should if it has good drivers).
Ah, Mastaba thank you for clearing that one up. I wonder now if it is worth adding a software renderer. Does anyone know if it's possible to write a custom alpha blending routine for cards that don't support it, but still using Direct3D?

[edited by - Ivyn on March 7, 2003 11:20:11 PM]
-- Ivyn --
quote:Original post by Ivyn
Ah, Mastaba thank you for clearing that one up. I wonder now if it is worth adding a software renderer. Does anyone know if it''s possible to write a custom alpha blending routine for cards that don''t support it, but still using Direct3D?

[edited by - Ivyn on March 7, 2003 11:20:11 PM]

Sure it''s possible, but why bother? Any card made in the last 4 or 5 years should support hardware alpha blending. Writing a software renderer seems pretty pointless.

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