screen coord to ISO map

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3 comments, last by ra001 21 years, 1 month ago
Hi. I find some examples how to get screen (mouse) coordinates to isometric map tile coordinate, but always i get not so "fine" result (( Maybe some get sample in Delphi (optional Powerdraw) how I can calculate that coordinates. My today code is

  PatternX := 160;
  PatternY := 80;
procedure GetCoord;
  mX := MouseX div PatternX;
  mY := (MouseY div PatternY) * 2;

  DeltaMouseX := mX * PatternX - (mY AND 1) * PatternY;
  DeltaMouseY := mY * (PatternY div 2);
[edited by - ra001 on March 14, 2003 4:32:37 AM]
Here is how I got it to work.. spend quit some time geting it to work.. But I finally got something that works (for me anyway)

m2b = Mouse To Board (Board = cell)
b2m = Board To Mouse

   Procedure m2b(mx,my:Integer; Out FeltX,FeltY:Integer);var  xx,yy:Integer;  offset:Single;Begin  //Find ca. feltet (kantet)  FeltX:=mx div CellWidth;  FeltY:=(my div CellHeight)*2;  xx:=FeltX * CellWidth + HalfCellWidth;  yy:=FeltY * (HalfCellHeight) + HalfCellHeight;  offset:=(HalfCellHeight) / (HalfCellWidth);  //Find det præcise felt  If mx > xx then begin    if my > yy then begin      if my > yy+Round(offset * (mx-xx-HalfCellWidth)*-1) then Inc(FeltY)    end else begin      if my < yy-Round(offset * (mx-xx-HalfCellWidth)*-1) then Dec(FeltY)    end;  end else begin    if my > yy then begin      if my > yy-Round(offset * (xx-mx-HalfCellWidth)) then begin Inc(FeltY);dec(FeltX);end;    end else begin      if my < yy+Round(offset * (xx-mx-HalfCellWidth)) then begin Dec(FeltY);dec(FeltX);end;    end;  end;end;Procedure b2m(FeltX,FeltY:Integer; Out wX,wY:Integer);Begin  wX:=(FeltX * CellWidth) + ((FeltY mod 2) * (HalfCellWidth));  wY:=(FeltY * (HalfCellHeight));  wX:=wX+HalfCellWidth;  wY:=wY+HalfCellHeight;end;  

But its not stil working correct for me :-((
But mayby its not so vital at now....
This is the way I did it:

function TDXCGIsoMap.PointToCell(X,Y : Integer): TPoint;
BX,BY,CX,CY,DX,DY,AD, BD : Integer;
X := X + MapLeft+32;
Y := Y + MapTop;
Y := Y - 192;
BX := X div 128;
BY := (Y div 64)*2;
DX := ABS(((BX * 128) + 64) - X);
DY := ABS((((BY div 2) * 64) + 32) - Y);
AD := DX + 2 * DY;
X := X - 64;
Y := Y + 32;
CX := X div 128;
CY := (Y div 64) * 2 - 1;
DX := ABS(((CX * 128) + 64) - X);
DY := ABS((((CY div 2) * 64) + 96) - Y);
BD := DX + 2 * DY;
If AD < BD then
Result := Point(BX,BY);
Result := Point(CX,CY);

A couple of pointers. My min top point of the map is at 192, my min left is 32. Isometric squares are 128x64.

Why those exact figures work I dont know but they do

The theory is as follows.
1. For any point there are two possible squares - find these two squares
2. For each square check if the point is in a corner - if it is then this is not the square selected.
3. Remember to incluse the offset of the odd numbered rows

Hope it helps.

Its working.. its working!


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