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37 comments, last by ErraticSE 21 years, 1 month ago
edit: should say how are you on a computer

(a) I''m lucky enough to have been born in a rich western country,
...that''s it!

I couldn''t care less about being rich, having enough money to do the things I enjoy (eating, drinking, smoking) makes me happy. Though when I have kids, it''d be nice to be able to afford a cleaner!

heh, a good maid will make $30.00 an hour.
A well earned $30 an hour, hehe. I think I would be so bored with a job like that. Over the summer,I worked as a movie theater attendant and it was incredibly boring, as you can imagine. Janitorial tasks, tearing tickets... gosh... makes you really respect the people who work there a long time
quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
Original post by ErraticSE
… Most of us (including myself) want to be rich….

I agree, but most people, especially young people, dont realize that most people don''t get rich working for someone else all their lives.

you will have to learn to make you money work for you.

what do you mean by make your money work for you?
My parents make about 55K a year combined doing jobs they hate.

Yet they live out in the country with an acre of land and a beautiful view.

Yet they own a Jeep Grand Cherokee, a Chevy Silverado, and a 1973 Mustang.

Yet they go on vacations, always have a ton of stuff to eat in the house, do a ton of activities with the kids, and really enjoy life!

Making 60K a year for something that you LOVE doing sounds pretty damn good to me. I'm more worried about getting a job as a game programmer than what I'm going to make.


[edited by - qa303asmguru on March 20, 2003 9:42:52 PM]
It''s very interesting to hear how different posts sound ... you can tell who''s from rich families, who''s from the western / high-tech area of the US, who are working people, and who are hopefull students, and particularly, who are from 2nd or 3rd world countries.

Economics is such a weird thing, because we all know that no matter what dollar amount, wherever you live, a doctor makes enough money to be above the people around them (although in rich country that money is savable, and transferable to weath elsewhere too), I mean, the fact that someone posted beer as $.70 US (and 6 hours work) means at least 3 things (US money is valuable there, labor is considered cheap, and beer is NOT a standard daily consumable for most citizens there) ... by the same token, someone who goes to a bar in an upscale might pay $8 for a good beer, but it wouldn''t even be 10 minutes of some of their saleries.

It is worth noting that pockets of high priced places like California, cannot be sustained when the residents start bring there money outside of the locale ... there is not enough REAL wealth in the world to support every california resident trying to move to the 3rd world and live like kings ... the day they leave California, the take a major pay cut ... and the day they all invest in foreign interests, inflation goes through the roof in those countries.

I was recently making $48k / yr. in Tennessee as a software developer / designer, which was just enough to allow me to save a little AND raise my standard of living constantly ... but not if I got wastefull. The reason, because like most people in my situation, I have student loan debt, and a car payment, and insurance, etc ... so even though I used to live on $12k / yr. in school, I can barely sustain my current level on $30k / yr. now. But if you are carefull not to get into heavy debt, any income between $40-$60k / yr. should be enough to raise a small family on (with carefull budgeting) the fact that you can do that on ONE INCOME, DOING WHAT YOU LOVE, is amazing.
quote:Original post by Xai
It''s very interesting to hear how different posts sound ... you can tell who''s from rich families, who''s from the western / high-tech area of the US, who are working people, and who are hopefull students, and particularly, who are from 2nd or 3rd world countries.

Don''t want to be a prick, but there is no such thing like 2nd and 3rd world anymore.
Countries are divided into two/three category:
-In development(there is a dicussion, if its really a category).
The 2nd world("socialist"/"comunist" countries) is not different from the rest in this categorization.
----------------------------I would rather burn dollars than USA flags... but they are too expensive!
Well guys honestly, im poor and I love the way videogames work. Im about three years closer to being a computer scientist and I don''t care if im making 40k a year; as long as I can live my dream.

I just want to go to work with a bunch of goofballs and make games, then go home to my big screen TV 10 consoles and super PC i''ll have there. O yeah, my girlfriend would be there two .
If your game does real well, Bonuses(sp?) can get pretty good.

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