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2 comments, last by jaba 21 years, 1 month ago
What is more efficient: glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) or glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0) thank you
============================== Videoman Library Project
Well.. look at them both.. Would it not be easier to temporarily disable texture mapping in contrast to removing a texture from memory?

Even then, if you disable texture mapping, you can always re-enable it and continue texturing objects with the same texture.
I do believe binding a texture takes significantly more time than toggling a state. Everywhere I''ve read says that you should minimize texture bindings because for performance reasons. Plus binding a null texture may cause strange results on some drivers...
These two things do something very different. They may look the same if you happen to have an invalid texture image for object 0, but that''s about it.

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