am i too old??

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22 comments, last by tonymontana 21 years, 1 month ago
i am 21 and keenful to create games so i started to learn c++. i know math very well because iam a civil engineer student my question is am i too old to learn game creating ? and how will my knowledge at math help me?? well i have to make it my own way....
Essegin Ziki:) bunu bu sitede imza hesabına yazsam kimse anlamaz!!!:)
Nope, you''re never too old to pick-up game programming

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I mean, uh... pick up a good programming book and get going. Not much time left before you die.

Oh, and your math skills should help immensely. Programming of any kind is all about math.
well thanks i know photoshop also
and i am trying to learn
3d studio max
autocasd (remember iam going to be a civil engineer

does these can help me ??

well i have to make it my own way....
Essegin Ziki:) bunu bu sitede imza hesabına yazsam kimse anlamaz!!!:)
As long as I''m able to type I''ll be writing games. I don''t think age has anything to do with it.

In my opinion one of the main reasons it seems like younger people create more games is because they have more free time. Usually, the older you get, the less time you have available for hobbies like this. But, if you''re motivated you can do it.

First, learn C++ programming. There are free compilers and lots of tutorials on the web. Then I recommend you read this article on GameDev and do what it says:

Your math skills will come in very handy in game programming. An good understanding of Linear Algebra is crucial in any kind of 3D application (read the first 10 or so pages of 3D Game Engine Design if you don''t believe me )

BTW, I''m 28, married, work 40+ hours a week, and I''m taking 9 hours in college this semester. And I''m working on a couple of different game projects almost every night.

Have fun,

thank you much
i bought a book an studing hard...
object oriented programmin in c++ robert lafore
but these examples in the book are always in command prompt
so they are boring
how can i add alittle more visual happiness to my programms

well i have to make it my own way....
Essegin Ziki:) bunu bu sitede imza hesabına yazsam kimse anlamaz!!!:)
Unfortunately, "visual happiness" is a real pain in the ass to create in C++. You pretty much have to finish learning the basic language with console programs before you can understand how to draw things.

EDIT: Or rather, SHOULD finish learning with console programs, because it's possible to learn all the messed up structs and function calls in graphics APIs while still learning the language itself. It would just be horribly, horribly confusing.

[edited by - micepick on March 23, 2003 4:33:59 PM]
Learning the basics of C++ is pretty boring. I''ve written my fair share of simple cin, cout programs. Basic programs such as these are important though. Without them you''ll never be able to understand the complex stuff.

One easy way to add some graphics to your program is the Simple DirectMedia Layer. SDL is a library with functions for changing screen resolutions, loading and blitting bitmaps, getting input, etc.

Most people think of SDL as a "linux thing", but it also works great on Windows and it''s easier to get started with SDL than DirectX.

thank you all guys...
it is really good to feel someone has the answers to the questions...
this forum is great... there are many questions and answers
i will focus on c++ but
after that what i have to learn??
what can be the benefits of learning 3d studiomax or something like cinema 4d??
well i am keenful & askin lot but you are really good answerer...
can you state the basic things that i should learn..
thank again...

well i have to make it my own way....
Essegin Ziki:) bunu bu sitede imza hesabına yazsam kimse anlamaz!!!:)
Once you''re a C++ pro you''ll have to learn about WIN32 programming (assuming you''re on Windows) and after that you''ll need to study an API (Application Programming Interface, e.g. DirectX or OpenGL). This page may be useful.

Of course, while you''re doing all of that you will also need to learn the structure and components of games as opposed to general applications. I''d recommend trying to make some simple games as you progress before you attempt anything too big. For example, a simple text adventure first (using C++ and the console). Then when you move onto WIN32 you could make a simple pong/tetris clone (perhaps using SDL as has been suggested already. That would allow you to do some pretty graphics without having to learn how they work at that point). Then, finally, you could make something a bit more advanced using DX or OpenGL. I think that an incremental learning curve like this is the best approach (it worked for me).

However, you could skip all that and start programming a MMORPG/FPS right now

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