Directional light effected by scale???

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0 comments, last by SoaringTortoise 21 years, 1 month ago
I got a small and bizarre problem. I have the exact same code running to render two meshes of the exact same type, just at different positions and scales. The only light in the scene is a directional light. The attached picture is of the two meshes, both rendered with exactly the same code. The only difference between them is the scale. If I resize the big one to the same size as the small one, its coloring goes to exactly the same as the small one, instead of the grey that it is now. Anyone have any ideas? See Picture Learning to fly is easy, but as a tortoise, the landings are really rough.
Always prey on the weak, the timid and the stupid. Otherwise you'll just get your butt kicked
For a tortoise, this is extremely hard to do, but when you get it right... the expression on their faces ...

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