Mouse Interface

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10 comments, last by OctDev 21 years, 1 month ago
Speed issues, coupled with Damage issues! That is a great thing to include for the design of the actual attacks. A huge overhand axe chop should be devestating, but slow to pull off.

Perhaps the players should have set attribute adjustments for attacks (speed, chance to hit, damage--both negative and positive) rather than trying to implement said adjustments based on the timing of particular attacks vs. current defenses. Perhaps they should have both.

Originally intended just as an interface design idea, this is rapidly turning into a great combination of both interface and implementation ideas. Keep them coming!
The Tyr project is here.
A personal opinion, I absolutely don''t like the common oder issuing mouse interface found in many PC RPGs, at least for battles. It''s so non-intuitive having to select a command, then clicking the target, then watching them battle over and over, until I click elsewhere. In the end it requires me fast clicking skills as games like Virtua Cop, House of the Dead or Time Crisis would require: click hotspots on the screen as quickly as you can.

And some games makes this even WORSE by making me control multiple character. Oh, the fun.

If at least these games were turn based. But I like my real time based RPGs in a different flavour. Is it that hard to make stats affect a real time gameplay?

I''d like to see a RPG where the battles are like the matches in Soul Calibur, where you can either mash the buttons, and hope you win, or use an intricated set of intuitive moves (making a swinging move with the arrow keys and pressing the attack buttom would make a swinging sword move), counter attacks and combos.

RPG stats could work wonders there, affecting defense response, character speed, moves strenght. Along the game the character could maybe learn new moves (like Shenmue), and improving them, if using them too often.

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