Your first post.

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19 comments, last by nes8bit 24 years ago
What was your first post on gamedev about as a registered user? Also what was your first reply about? Mine was about collision detection, and that was supposed to be it. The whole reason I registered is because Anonymous Posters could not make a thread. I never really intended to stay on gamedev. ------------------------ Captured Reality.
I remember mine...

It was on the general programming board: Problems using pointers (the THIS pointer to be exact!)

There are three types of people in the world; those who can count, and those who can't.
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Well, if my memory serves me from back a million years ago (or has it been just one? ), I believe it was about using 24Bit color in DD. After that, I think I bragged about being the first to post in the "API specific" forum (now the DirectX/OpenGL one).

i guess mine was about DirectPlay. i couldn''t get it working cuz i forgot to call CoInitialize() before allocating the DrectPlay Interface

- pouya
The trick to flight is to throw yourself at the ground and miss!!!

How can you guys remember that?!
hehe, I cant even remember what I asked last week, lol =]

Ill try to do some research and then post here what was my 1st question eheh

I beleive mine might have been End Goblin Genocide...

Now number 8 in the forum stats, I think... =)

I can''t friggan believe that.
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
Seeing that i've only been on this site about a month (I think) I "should" acually remember this. My first thread was about whether or not college is neccesary, and my first reply was umm, er, might have been something about someone asking about what animation program to buy.

I signed up the second I found this site, I heard about it from someone on Gamasutra, which is a fine site, but has a terrible message board system.

Anyone know why I can't get this picture to show as my signature? I copied the exact thing from where I put in my signature under my profile and it works.

Edited by - Bomberman on May 30, 2000 8:48:03 PM

Edited by - Bomberman on May 30, 2000 8:48:32 PM

Edited by - Bomberman on May 30, 2000 8:49:11 PM

Edited by - Bomberman on May 30, 2000 8:51:16 PM

Edited by - Bomberman on May 30, 2000 8:52:02 PM
I think my first post was the announcement of our web site and our game...

Charlie McSow /Paradigm Game Design

CharlieGame DesignerRarebyte
Mine was on the sad state of side-scrollers these days . Of course, I remember that pretty well since it was only two weeks ago...


-- EMail:
-- AIM: SeigfriedH
-- EMail: AIM: SeigfriedH
Let''s see, I think it was something like "Welcome to, get ready for us to take over the world!"

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