How hard is it to make a game?

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11 comments, last by Kryptus 20 years, 11 months ago
Hey I''m a 16 y/o programmer as well, and I''ll tell ya that right now you''d be better off on a team. By being part of a team you get to see other peoples code and learn a lot of stuff and methods of doing things you probably haven''t thought of before. And ya sure its probably within your ability to make a 3D game, seems easier than 2D sometimes if you ask me. Just be ready for a lot of work, I''m 4 months into a team project and we are maybe 3/4 to being done the tech portion of the engine. But hey its a lot of fun, and even if you don''t finish a project your first time out, it''ll give you experience and add to your code base for future projects. Whether you have the knowhow or not.. thats your deal, im always wary of VB to tell you the truth, but its been done. Good Luck.
just a quick question are you using managed DirectX 9 and VB.NET or are you using VB6 and DirectX 8
I''m using VB6 and DX8

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