How do I make a 3D Mouse?

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26 comments, last by paulbird 21 years ago
why do they need to be in seperate planes? just have two seperate mouse pads with two mices.

the twin joysticks on a gamepad are effectively what you are trying to do.

What you''re trying to do. Only better. And five years old.
One solution that exists involves a stylus on an armature. Like a pen holder on an arm attached to a column like you show. The angle of the arms is reported to the driver, which calculates the positions.

The cheapest come at about 3000USd so if you make one, please make me one too.
Aha! I've just thought of a better design! It is made out of an old mouse-mat and a couple of springs!

    SIDE VIEW:                 ___.............-->to CPU    mouse->_____(___)____mat  ---> (______________)   --------------              X     X        |     springs->   X     X        |  DESKTOP-----------------------------    

So you can move the mouse normally on-top of the mouse mat in 2 dimensions and then apply pressure to the mouse downwards to-wards the desk to enter the 3rd dimension! It might be better with an actual hole cut into the desktop... Then when you don't want to use the 3rd dimension you can flick a switch and it becomes just a normal mouse mat! All I need for this is something to measure the tension in the springs and send the data to the computer.

Anyway, it seems Direct Input is the way to go so I'll have to look that up.

[edited by - paulbird on May 7, 2003 11:56:20 AM]
yep, mouse wheel... .sen
"I want to make a simple MMORPG first" - Fenryl

    -------||      ||      |- < contacts >|  d   ||  e   |-     |------------------|       |  s   |    __|     mouse        ||  k   |----+---------------------|  t   |     |--|           |--||  o   |-    |--|           |--||  p   |     |--|           |--||      |     |--| <springs> |--||      |--------------------------||   desktop tray w/ keyboard      |----------------------------------|    

springs go down inside themselves (hydralics)
wire from mouse connects w/ contacts
wire contains three smaller wires which transfer movement signals for each x,y,z planes

edit: i could do better if i had a handwriting tablet which stored pictures from the tablet

I really need to update this signature...

[edited by - demonrazor2003 on May 8, 2003 10:19:58 AM]
If you can't make a decision, the right choice is not to.This link = GameDev.Net Forums
Oh dear god, no no no no no!

Why, oh why, oh why would you even consider putting any effort into this concept? Having a 3d mouse will not improve your modelling abilities in the slightest. The only results I can see are an aching arm and vertex''s trembling up and down as you try to move them.

Am I missing some sort of joke here because the prospect of this just seems to be ludicrous? Besides, even if you do have your 3D input, it will be void unless you have some form of 3D display.

Oh dear god no!
This is madness.
ever thought of a completely 3d os???

im workin on scetches right now

EDIT: the word 'completely'

I really need to update this signature...

[edited by - demonrazor2003 on May 9, 2003 10:38:28 AM]
If you can't make a decision, the right choice is not to.This link = GameDev.Net Forums

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