Searchable HTML pages...?

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23 comments, last by Necro-File 21 years ago
I have been coding with HTML for quite some time now, and is the first computer language I was ever able to use skillfully. I recently had an idea for a searchable dictionary of sorts (not telling the whole thing, don''t want my idea stolen), but I never learned how to make search pages like If anyone can give me some help/tips/source code to familiarize myself with, or point me in the right direction, I would be most pleased.
You can''t make them in HTML, as HTML is not a programming language.
Most search pages are written in Perl, PHP, or (rarely) compiled languages like C/C++.

Basicly you write a Perl/PHP/C program that writes the HTML of the search results page, based on the search string.
They *can* be made in HTML, that is what META tags are for. Infoseek uses an HTML search structure system capable of searching any for these META tags, as do most other popular search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN, etc). I know little about Perl, but I thought it was an extension of JAVA, and I know that even JAVA incapable browsers can use search engines, and also that PHP hasn''t been around as long as most of these search engines have been.

I found a snippet of code on the web for an HTML search page, however, it didn''t give any explination of what the code actually means, so for one who is just learning how to do these functions, it was totally unusable.
quote:Original post by Necro-File
They *can* be made in HTML, .... more complete bullshit

That is so horribly wrong, it''s not funny. HTML merely describes a page layout, it CANNOT be used as a programming lanuage.

Also, Perl is not even remotely related to Java, and predates it by a good ten years. Perl is based on regex, and is fantastic for text processing. Java is more closely related to C, but still distinct.

Search engines that predate PHP/ASP used CGI programs (Common Gateway Interface). If you ever see ''cgi-bin'' or the like in a URL, that''s what it is.

The actual search page will be written in HTML, but it will use forms or similar to access a backend CGI program or PHP/ASP script. It seems to me that Google is written in Python, but I''m not sure.

I don''t know how to do what you''re trying, but Google is your friend. I just wanted to clear up some horribly false info.

"The sun is the same in a relative way,
but you''re older"
--Pink Floyd
quote:Original post by Necro-File
They *can* be made in HTML, that is what META tags are for.

No, they can't. HTML → HyperText Markup Language, ergo no
programmable features. Meta tags can be evaluated by scripts (e.g. written in Perl). I'd suggest you to read a little about
CGI and how how the Internet actually works. You will find that
*programming* languages (Perl, Java, ...) and things like XSL
can translate code (or XML in case of XSL) into browsable HTML
code on the server side, so the client only receives HTML code
and doesn't know about what's actually done on the server.

That might lead you to the assumption that you can do things
like searching in HTML (as you only see HTML when viewing the
page source), which is certainly not the case.

Nevertheless you can add some dynamic features like searching
to HTML code by using client-side scripting (e.g. &#106avascript
or VisualBasic).

ze_jackal was faster

[edited by - darookie on May 8, 2003 6:48:06 PM]
Ok fine, lets say I believe you. Where can I find a tutorial on making a searchable database without PHP/MySQL (since my stupid web server doesn''t allow PHP scripting) and can run locally, without anything like a CGI-BIN folder or similar thing like some other Perl scripts I have seen?
quote:Original post by Necro-File
Ok fine, lets say I believe you. Where can I find a tutorial on making a searchable database without PHP/MySQL (since my stupid web server doesn''t allow PHP scripting) and can run locally, without anything like a CGI-BIN folder or similar thing like some other Perl scripts I have seen?

You can''t. Period. Give it up. Nothing doing.

Well, I suppose you could do it in &#106avascript, but you''d have to have the entire index coded into the script, which means the page would be **huge**, and there''d be no reason to have a search script in the first place.<br><br>So, in conclusion, give it up. <br><br><hr>How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
get a better host that supports php or at least cgi

doh, nuts. Mmmm... donuts
My website

[edited by - brassfish89 on May 8, 2003 8:39:52 PM]
Well, after much diliberation and squabiling with you, somehwat lacking, gentlemen/women, I have found what I was looking for initially, and HTML searching *IS* possible. So goodday to you. I will post back once I have finished my database.
Can I see it(The html)? I think I remember seeing a tag like that, not sure though.

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