Key input in windows

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2 comments, last by MindRazor 20 years, 11 months ago
I want to read combinations with the control, alt and shift keys. I want to do this in the WM_KEYUP or WM_KEYDOWN events, but I don''t know how to extract this information from lParam and wParam. Thx in advance
look into MSDN, or search google for : GetKeyState()

i think, that''s what you''re looking for...
wParam will be the actual Key that is pressed (it''s ASCII code anyway)

lParam is the ancilliary information, including if the key is already down, just been pressed, etc.

The F1 keys are VK_ (virtual keys, and I suspect that the ones you are after will be too.)

MSDN is your best bet for full info though.

Thx for the help. I had been looking all over MSDN to find the right function for the task, and you led me on the right track. I had to use GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) for the test, but I figured it out at last.

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