Newbie MultiThreading problems

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5 comments, last by vaneger 20 years, 10 months ago
i have this code :::
void main (void)
	threadCount = 0;
	apvector<int> mlist(10);
	mlist[0] = 34 ;
	mlist[1] = 4;
	mlist[2] = 54;
	mlist[3] = 65;
	mlist[4] = 23;
	mlist[5] = 1;
	mlist[6] = 45;
	mlist[7] = 87;
	mlist[8] = 67;
	mlist[9] = 12;
    threadHandles[threadCount] = CreateThread(NULL,0,MTQuickSort((LPVOID)1,mlist,0,mlist.length()-1),(LPVOID)threadCount,0,&threadIDs[threadCount]);		



HANDLE threadHandles[];
DWORD threadIDs[];
int threadCount; //ini to zero

template <class type>
DWORD WINAPI MTQuickSort(LPVOID data,apvector<type> &list, int start, int end)
	if (start >= end) // base case (list is sorted)

		return ((DWORD)0);
	// choose a pivot point	

	int pivot = list[(start+end)/2];
	int leftbound = start;
	int rightbound = end;
	while (leftbound <= rightbound)
		// find first element that is greater than pivot on left side

		while ((leftbound < end) && (list[leftbound] < pivot))
		// find first element that is smaller than pivot on right side

		while ((rightbound > start) && (list[rightbound] > pivot))
		// swap if indexes haven''t crossed

			if (leftbound <= rightbound)
				int temp = list[leftbound];
				list[leftbound] = list[rightbound];
				list[rightbound] = temp;
	threadHandles[threadCount] = CreateThread(NULL,0,&MTQuickSort(data,list, start, rightbound),(LPVOID)threadCount,0,&threadIDs[threadCount]);
	// sort left

	threadHandles[threadCount] = CreateThread(NULL,0,MTQuickSort(data,list, leftbound, end),(LPVOID)threadCount,0,&threadIDs[threadCount]);
	// sort right

	return ((DWORD)0);
and when i compile it says cant convert argument three from unsigned long to unsigned long [__stdcall*][void*] help please???
CreateThread() expects a function pointer for the third parameter. The function should be of the form

DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter);

To use this function as the third parameter you only need to write the name of the function (no parameters)

CreateThread(..., ThreadProc, ...);

Qui fut tout, et qui ne fut rien
Invader''s Realm

  #include<windows.h>#include<windowsx.h>#include<winbase.h>#include<iostream.h>DWORD WINAPI outs(LPVOID data){	cout<<"hello"<<endl;	return(0);}void main (void){	HANDLE threadHandles[300];        DWORD threadIDs[300];        int threadCount; //ini to zero        threadCount = 0;        threadHandles[threadCount] = CreateThread(NULL,0,outs,(LPVOID)threadCount,0,&threadIDs[threadCount]);		}  

i simplified the thing down to a basic example but then it gives me linker errors about some unresolved external symbols using new operators.
ok i figured out why it wont link, the cout line causes errors, but i dont know how to use cout with multithreaded apps can any one help?
Instead of #include <iostream.h> try:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
ok i changed my compiler settings to use multithreading degubbing, and it compiles and links now. i changed the outs function to output hello so i can see if the threads execute and they dont. any ideas?
ok i got the threads to work but only if i call the function outs first, is there a way to make the threads run w/o calling the function.

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