2D in OpenGL?

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16 comments, last by L_F_Designer 20 years, 11 months ago
Ok, now that i know it can proform atleast at the level of dirct draw where can i find tutorails or books on how to program in 2d with opengl?
first you gotta figure out how to initialise opengl
nehe.gamedev.net - lesson 1

next you gotta learn about the ortho projection matrix
(i think nehe also has a lesson on ortho mode)
quote:Original post by L_F_Designer
Can 2D be crate as good as DirectDraw in OpenGL?

I''ll just reiterate what another poster said: FAQ you.

Trent Polack
Author of Focus on 3D Terrain Programming
I knew they''d come back.
----------[Development Journal]
OpenGL is a complete graphic library;

******** is a set of memcpy functions (HW accelerated in some cases, SW aborted in other) !

Do you know OpenGL? Do you know ********** ?

I know **********, OpenGL, Java2D too and this is the truth!

In OpenGL you can rotate, size (with filter), alpha-blend, auto-clip, light, Z-buffer, optimize your Sprites...
and all of these functionality with a quad and some glEnables():
I cannot think about a simpler and fast solution for 2D.
And you have learned also a powerful (and the most used) 3D API.
Is it wrong? Or there are other solutions???

However it depends on what do you mean for 2D...if you want to do graph charts Windows GDI are better (If you use window)
Well i want to learn 2D becuase that is what i am going to start of on, i dont want to go direct in to 3D very quickly becuase i wont beable to make the games i want.
i found 2d in GL very easy once you understand the basics (thanks to nehe's great site).. (granted I've done a fair bit of DD). I certainly prefer it to DD now as like mentioned above, you get a lot of the 3d features in for free.

Jumpman - Under Construction

[edited by - jumpman on June 5, 2003 1:31:14 AM]
Didn't get anywhere near finished, but Airstrike 2 is 2D game written in opengl.

Uses custom engine (by me) that I will try and untangle from the game if anyone is interested.

Everything I know was learnt from nehe, and MSDN!


can download 'game' from my site: (under airstrike)


NB: its over now, working on new one...


[edited by - fana on June 5, 2003 4:48:15 PM]

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